Coral Shipping... Please help!


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I got a job offer in Denver Co. I can't pass up! One problem, I have a 55 gallon reef tank that is going with me. I can move the tank, rock, sand, ect.
but I need someone to hold the fish, coral, and what ever for about 10 days then ship the stuff to me in my new home. The tank will have been set up for 5-7 days so everything should be setteled down by then.
I figure it will take a Double box ( approx. 20 x 20 x 16 ) to put the stuff in. I have been into salt water for 25 years so the size should be close. Anyway, if someone knows of anybody that can do this please let me know.
I understand this is a business request.
I'm sorry to be leaving the club I will miss the meetings . D-day is 4-14-07
Terry Fox
I would give Stevhan a call at ItsFishyBusiness (you can grab his number from the sponser section of the website). I don't know if he can help you, but he is really flexible when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Give some serious thought to selling all your livestock, or at least all but the most hardy specimins. I lost almost everything in my move down here from Chicago and I trucked it down here myself. Consider that your new system in Denver will need to go through a cycle and what effect that will have on your current livestock.

If I ever had to do it again, I would either figure out a way to move the livestock once the system in the new location was stable or I would sell everything and re-aquire once in the new location.

Just my $.02 and it is worth what you paid for it. :) In any event, good luck with the move.
I agree

I moved three years from NY
and I lost almost everything in the move except for a few fishes
I had a tank running at the new location before the move but the tank was not up to par

good luck