coral tells me somethins is wrong...


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I have about 6 separate xenias and 2 starting that melting things about a week ago. I figured it was just one of those things. With winter coming on trying to find a balance of heat and air in the house the temperature has fluxuated a bit more than normal and try to change the thermometer to keep it stable.

But yesterday, a day after I put my purigen back in after regenerating it with bleach, everything looked pissed. i changed almost half the water. today things are better but all the xenia is shriveled up and the kenya trees are closed tight. Everything else seems perfectly fine: shrooms, palys, zoas, gsp, frogspawn, blastos...

However my candy cane looks like the bark of a birch tree where it has a outer layer thats light brown and its cracking away to a whiter layer underneath. Is that normal for candy cane?
Did you soak in pure bleach or diluted? Did you soak the purigen bag in prime or anything else before putting back in tank? 50% wc, why not several smaller ones?
i soaked it in 50/50 water bleach like the instructions said. then i rinsed and soaked it several times for a couple days in dechlorinated water. i did almost 50% cause i was scared maybe i didnt get all the bleach out and felt like i needed a drastic water change. since its only 12 gallons i know a small mistake can crash the whole thing. im going on almost 2 years without a crash.
Check your alkalinity, ours did the same thing about a week or so ago. We had our alkalinity go up and I was told that will melt softies.
Sounds like exactly what I would have done thus far, post your alkalinity and ph. I think you will find that larger water changes swing all your levels very quickly and cause your inhabitants to get upset.
ah... makes sense Fish Scales
pH 8.0
Alk 2.5
im no expert on water chemistry by according to my little test kit guide i should decrease bioload (i only have two fish and dont want to get rid of one) or increase aeration. i guess i could but an airstone in a back compartment?
what are yalls suggestions
2.5 mEq/L is a liitle low for a reef. I would use something like SeaChems Reef builder. It will build your alkalinity without affecting your ph to much.

Any other suggestions?
Scubagirl12;239900 wrote: ah... makes sense Fish Scales
pH 8.0
Alk 2.5
im no expert on water chemistry by according to my little test kit guide i should decrease bioload (i only have two fish and dont want to get rid of one) or increase aeration. i guess i could but an airstone in a back compartment?
what are yalls suggestions

Whats your MAG. I have been keeping softies for 4 yrs. Mag & Iodine & Mag & Iodine and oh did I say Mag & Iodine. I run my PH at 8.4 and alk at 12dkh. CA+ always around 440 ( softies do not care but candy cane corals do) most important thing I have found though when candy cane closes is Mag. Just a little thought. I would also get the Alk up to.

Good luck and Happy Reefing:thumbs:
do more frequent, but less % of water changes. 10% a week is fine. If it's a small tank, buy yourself some Seachem REEF salt. Your tank inhabitants don't use a lot od calcium or Alk from what you've list, and 10-15% water changes should keep it good enough.

here's some info:"></a>

For systems with a pH of 8.2 or above, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a good choice. For systems with a pH below 8.2, washing soda (sodium carbonate) is a good choice (though use some baking soda too if the correction is a large one and the pH gets too high; that is, above pH 8.5 or so).
<p style="text-align:left"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><span style="font-size: 13px">In gauging how much to add, here are some rough guidelines:</span></span>

<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">To raise 50 gallons of tank water by 1 meq/L will require 10 grams of washing soda (sodium carbonate). Since a level teaspoon of washing soda weighs just over 6 grams, then 1 teaspoon will raise the alkalinity in that 50 gallons by ~0.6 meq/L (~1.7 dKH).</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">One special note about washing soda: Apparently some Canadian brands of washing soda contain surfactants. VIP brand, in particular, contains them and a reef keeper using them on my advice turned his tank into a bubble bath. On questioning, the manufacturer did indicate that a surfactant is present. The same reef keeper says the local Arm & Hammer brand in Canada smells strongly of perfume. I’d avoid perfumed brands, if possible. My Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda purchased in the US apparently contains no significant surfactants, and is not perfumed. Nevertheless, anyone using washing soda for the first time ought to put some in water and stir it around to see if soapy bubbles form. If so, I’d suggest finding another brand.</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Many commercial alkalinity supplements will also be fine for this purpose, as long as no significant calcium is added. In general, I don’t prefer those that contain substantial borate. The alkalinity component of the two-part calcium and alkalinity additive systems would be OK. You [B]CANNOT[/B] use limewater or a calcium carbonate/carbon dioxide reactor to correct this problem. Any of the balanced calcium and alkalinity additive systems will move you parallel to the line at the left edge of the zone, while you want to move over to it, and cross it. </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">If alkalinity is more than 4 meq/L (11 dKH; an uncommon situation), then you can safely either do nothing until it drops and you need to add more alkalinity, and treat it as suggested in the previous two paragraphs, or you can add some alkalinity immediately, move into zone 1, and then just let it drop on its own</span></span>
Wednesdays and Thursdays are extremely busy for me so I haven't had time to go to the LFS to get that SeaChems Reef Builder. Its getting a bit better. The kenya tree has recovered by ALL stalks of xenia I think are lost. My open brain is retreating and I can see part of the skeleton. Same with the candy cane. I think its dead.....
I'll have to wait till later to give you exact details but I have 3 bottles of stuff that I put in the tank.. MarineSnow, essential elements, and one that I bought because it has calcium and magnesium and stuff. I don't have tests for that though, just the basic stuff.
I feel like all this water chemisty stuff is over my head.....

get some Seachem Reef Salt. do about 2.5 gallons a week per tank. That should cover your Calcium, ALK, & mag for what you have. How do you measure salinity? & Don't over feed. That Marine Snow will destroy your tank, unless you use like lterally, 1 to 2 drops every other day.

ok so i got the seachem reef builder. on the back it says half of a teaspoon treats 40g and i only have 12. so literally ill just put a tiny pinch in some freshwater and pour it in?
salinity is usually around 1.24-25.
anyone have some candy cane i can buy? mine is gone and i just got it at the frag swap :(
and my open brain retreated more today. is it going to die too? can i do anything to save it or just hold my breath?
and my urchin is eating my xenia. im pretty sure most of it is hopeless so should i go ahead and remove it all?
oh you asked HOW i measure salinity... just with the hydrometer with the swinging bar.
im a cheap college student remember

and thank you everyone for all your help
Scubagirl12;241191 wrote: ok so i got the seachem reef builder. on the back it says half of a teaspoon treats 40g and i only have 12. so literally ill just put a tiny pinch in some freshwater and pour it in?
salinity is usually around 1.24-25.
anyone have some candy cane i can buy? mine is gone and i just got it at the frag swap :(
and my open brain retreated more today. is it going to die too? can i do anything to save it or just hold my breath?
and my urchin is eating my xenia. im pretty sure most of it is hopeless so should i go ahead and remove it all?

you can leave it
ya its rome. I dont know why i put mount berry.. its the actual address of my school, Berry College.

thank you so much barbara! i will be pming you...