Coral to big.


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Have a strange question.Im in a 120 4 ft tank.My monti caps are way to big.When i moved one it was bigger then a 5 gal bucket lid.My point.I don't want to have any monti caps at all.They grow to fast.I want to just grow sticks or branching coral.Only SPS of course. Dose this make sense. The caps just want to cover everything. And fraging them would be a lot, because of where i live.I have a friend near me that would love to have them.Dose this sound reasonable."></a>

Fast forward to timestamp: 15:17
Makes perfect sense to me , its why I.dont have any cap now I just don't have room for it in my display
They do really take over and good luck removing them. Even if you think they're all gone, you'll see little green and red dots coming up out of your rock in a couple months and turning into it new ones.
Wow , sounds like you guys have been there.Now i know the caps are coming out.Thanks
NorthGaHillbilly;1000501 wrote: I've heard worse problems :p

Any pics of this monster?

Yes, might take me till tomarrow to get it on it on my tablet.Forgot how to use my photo bucket. Will try.
Good lord. That's awesome, tho I understand it taking up too much room. Really cool to see such a developed colony.