coral transport??


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If I were to transport corals and live rock, from pickup to tank in,say ...3 1/2 hrs in bag time, would I need to do anything special for them on or in route besides being in a cooler? thanks.
need water :) i know...Im a smartarse

You btter take care of my/your Sun...He has 3 squares of mysis and brine shrimp last night...Ill feed him again tonight for you, make sure all mouths are fed...should open up anytime now
No you don't need anything. I brought coral and some fish home from Florida, (9 hours) and they are happy as can be!
at worst case-bring a cooler for a more stable temp.--other than that-you should be fine
In extream cold, I always take a towel, wet with a bit of H2O, put it in the microwave to heat it up a bit and throw it in the cooler with the corals. It helps keep the air temp in the cooler up and thus the water temp next to the corals.
I carry some cheap heat packs and a cooler when I go personally. Most corals aren't going to care about the cold for short periods just make sure you float the bag for a while before you dip them and such. Lower and raise the temp slow, whack them with warm water after they have been sitting a while and SPS will not be happy.