We all do our best to keep our corals separated and happy but sometimes they get too close and a "coral war" erupts. For the sake of, well, being a fish nerd, what corals win? Do you have any experience with a coral war in your system? Which species won and how bad was the damage? I'm starting this thread because I had a frag rack fall on to a very large hollywood stunner (chalice) that was sitting in the bottom of my tank and it turns out that when the good ol' Hollywood Stunner goes to war, it usually wins. Of course it happened while I was on vacation last week so I couldn't get things corrected until I got home on Sunday. So, here the coral wars I've seen and I'm keen to know the results of any coral wars you guys may have had in your tank.
Hollywood Stunner (chalice) > pocillopora, steriatopora & monti cap. These 3 species were the one's that fell onto the stunner and wherever they touched, the stunner won. I was expecting more damage on the stunner.
Favia > chalice I'm assuming that not all chalices are created equal but I have a favia that's touching a blue/pink chalice in my tank and the favia doesn't seem phased at all and the chalice is slowly losing ground.
Candy cane (caulastrea) > monti cap I have a large colony of green mouth candy cane that's been in my system for a long time and there's been a monti cap close by for years. One day I noticed a few dead spots on the monti and instantly paniced that I had monti nudis but after some detective work, I noticed that the candy cane was putting out really, really long sweeper tentacles and stinging the high points of the cap causing it to have apparently random dead spots.
Hollywood Stunner (chalice) > pocillopora, steriatopora & monti cap. These 3 species were the one's that fell onto the stunner and wherever they touched, the stunner won. I was expecting more damage on the stunner.
Favia > chalice I'm assuming that not all chalices are created equal but I have a favia that's touching a blue/pink chalice in my tank and the favia doesn't seem phased at all and the chalice is slowly losing ground.
Candy cane (caulastrea) > monti cap I have a large colony of green mouth candy cane that's been in my system for a long time and there's been a monti cap close by for years. One day I noticed a few dead spots on the monti and instantly paniced that I had monti nudis but after some detective work, I noticed that the candy cane was putting out really, really long sweeper tentacles and stinging the high points of the cap causing it to have apparently random dead spots.