Coral ?


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For about a week now my frogspawn and hammer are refusing to fully open. Idk why and nothing is stinging, picking at, no worms, or anything other than my clowns hosting them which they have for 3 1/2 yrs now and it's all been fine since day one. WHATS GOING ON? My water levels are perfect too just tested yesterday. I'll get it tested again today for exact numbers. Please lmk if you know what's going on its my frogspawn, hammer and coco worm that arent opening everything else is.
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I did a water change yesterday and tried the lowest flow my tank could do with the filter still on two or three days ago no change :/ idk what the heck to do at this point
Ive got a doctor appointment now on my way back ill get my water numbers and post when I get back
Ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-10 (normally 0 i just dosed with phyto feed for corals), ph-7.6, calcium-360, magnesium- 1015, alkalinity-6, salinity 1.024=fine. Just dosed calcium and ph buffer. Dosing ions thursday bc im dosing calcium and ph buffer again tomorrow.

Sound like a good plan guys?
Wish I knew more, man. I'll be subscribing. Hammers and Frogs are my favorites. Good luck!
I believe the following are minimum levels to have per Randy Holmes:
Alk- 7dkh
Cal- 380ppm
Mag- 1250ppm
pH- 7.8
Salinity- 1.026sg

If your tank has been stable in your parameters, I wouldn't worry about I'll effects but if your corals don't bounce back quick enough for you then I would try to meet the minimum parameter recommendations.
Small tank right?

Stop all dosing and get consistent parameter levels with frequent water changes.
DawgFace;968855 wrote: Small tank right?

Stop all dosing and get consistent parameter levels with frequent water changes.

+100000. Even with standard salt such as Instant Ocean you shouldn't need to dose much if any.