Coralife Frankenstien 190


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So I got really bored one night and was playing around in my sump room, and decided to turn my currently running Coralife ss125 into a Coralife ss190 :thumbs:. I just so happened to have a Coralife ss65 laying around. Mind you both these skimmers were given to me so I was'nt to attached to them.

To make a long story short i cut the bottom off the css65 and gutted it, plugged the intake. Lucky enough the diameter of the 65 fits right over the 125 also the collection cup from the 125 fits on the top of the 65. I simply silliconed the 65 to the top of the 125 and boom CSS 190 as I call it now.

I hooked the original pump up that came on the 125 and to say the least it was a bit under powered for the height of this thing, its about 3 feet tall now. It worked ok but not the best. So i got the great idea to use a mag 9.5 I had laying around. Now here was the tricky part I took the needle wheel and magnet out of the stock SS125 pump bored out the center to fit a shaft from a mag 7 because the mag 9.5 shaft is way to big. fit it in the mag 9.5 by shimming it just a bit with some washers that were already on the mag 7 tossed it in the mag 9.5 made a venturi inlet from pvc drilled a hole cut the hose at an angle and again boom bubble city out this thing.

I just figured id share this creation and if anybody has any ideas of were I could make improvements please share, but so far this thing is skimming like crazy.

Sorry I did'nt take pics along the way but this was done at 1AM impulsively.
JohnIII;765157 wrote: Does it skim???

sure does... far more than it did before. I never really got that good frothy stuff from the stocker, but this seems to produce much more of it. Im not sure if its the increase of the pump or chamber size, or both, but its kinda a beast now!
Ha! That totally looks like something Rich (rdnelson99) would do. Get him to tell you about the homemade sensors he made for his ATO.