Coralife Super Skimmer Mod


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Hey i have a question about moding the needle wheel on my Coralife Super Skimmer and i did it with like 26lbs fishing line. Is that ok or should i redo it with 4lbs???? i really don't want to destroy the pump any advice would be great.
It's good to have a kill-a-watt to see if it has changed the wattage of the pump too much. Too high and obviously you risk burning up the pump. Most of the time you "should" be in an ok range if the pumps starts itself up when you plug it in. I'm assuming you did a mesh mod? If so did you remove any of the pins that were on the stock needle wheel? If not, you're most likely running higher wattage.
Mockery;189417 wrote: Hey i have a question about moding the needle wheel on my Coralife Super Skimmer and i did it with like 26lbs fishing line. Is that ok or should i redo it with 4lbs???? i really don't want to destroy the pump any advice would be great.

I would redo it with a lighter line. It will create finer bubbles that way.
glxtrix yes i did the mesh mod, and no i did not remove any of the needles

KRB ok thanks i go a buy some lighter line in the next day or so
I'm curious as to how the lighter fishing line would create more bubbles? Is this based upon the line being lights thu making the wheel spin faster to create more bubbles? Other than that, I dont see it aiding on bubble production, thats what the mesh if for.
Is that the one where you let a cat play with a ball of fishing line and when its all good and tangled you put it on a needlewheel?
I did the fishingline mod and it definitely improved performance. It's basically a poor mans mesh mod, more surface area to agitate the water.

I don't know about lighter vs. heavier test weight line though. I just grabbed a random reel from my stash and stole some line...don't know what weight I was using.