Coralline Algae and Purple Monti


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Why is coralline growing all over my glass and my overflow, but not so much on my rocks? This rock has been in there a while now...

Also, my purple monti is in a place right now that's pretty heavy flow. Is this OK or do I need to move it? It's pretty close to the Vortech (set on reef crest mode) the polyp side is not getting really blasted...mainly the underside. It's started to turn a little white on the edges in the past week. Sorry, I'm still pretty new to corals. At least ones that aren't named Kenya Tree or GSP!:doh:
ive had the same question about the coralline! its all over the back and some glass but little to none on the rocks :-(

tagging along for the answer
White tips on the monti means it's growing. They also like good flow. My coraline likes the rocks better, and the front glass, not the back. It likes a lot of flow it seems, all my flow is towards the front. Go figure.
Good to know about the monti. Now if I could only figure out this purple algae!
Also make sure your MG is where it's supposed to be, I didn't see in the new tank until I got that stable and over 1250.
I'm gonna have to break down and buy a mag test, I guess. I does Aqua Vitro Ions right now. 2-3 times a week.
I've given up on my coraline growth. Whether it's my improved lighting, coral competition, etc. it just doesn't grow anymore on the rock. It'll cover a new PH or frag rack in about a week, but it's gone for good on my rock. I've even bumped my parameters to see if I could get it back on the rock with no avail (450+ CA and 1400 MG).