Coralline and Asterina Starfish


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Ok, I am a little slow....

After placing three to four new live rocks 4-6 weeks ago that were showing really nice advancement of coralline algae I noticed recently that the growth stopped.

Then within the last 2-3 weeks started to recede.

As I did a little research--thanks to RC article this month--I started to question the population of Asterina Starfish.

As I started to look around they were everywhere. When I once thought they were cute and nice to have around, they seemed to locate near the new growths of coralline. Established coralline to my best knowledge has not been impacted, however.

When I made a conscious decision to address the issue I grabbed the curved forceps and went to work. 150 later I leaned back and them.

Today I removed another 35-40.

Considering a Harlequin shrimp; however, I also have a Blue Linkia (really big).

What do you guys think?

Should I continue to pick them off the rock and see how it goes...or take the plunge for a Harlequin and risk my Linkia?
i would think the linka will be food...If I was to get a harlequin i would get rid of the linka to nice a starfish to be food.

I would keep picking them off...but I have alot in my tank and the coraline is still growing fine
Soon the coraline will advance and start taking over more aggressively. I'd just let the coraline/starfish population find it's own balance.

Patience is a virture

Soon, you'll be having days where you only wish</em> for problems like this......

Good luck and happy reefing!
Agreed with dakota... H.Shrimp would love to get ahold of your linkia...
I've never known Asterinas to eat coralline. They eat bacterial and algal films... you know, the slimy stuff... not the calcareous stuff.

Coincidence, IMO.

Now, urchins are another matter. They have "teeth" to scrape coralline.

I'm with Jenn on this. I have tons of the starfish and see no bite marks in my coraline. You have something else inhibiting the growth, IMO.
I am with Mike,
my Asterinas for sure eat coraline - sitting on one spot and once they leave the coraline is all white and literally looks chewed up.
They are DEFINITELY eating my coralline....just the new soft growth...not established.

Looks like there are several varieties...check this out."></a>-

Removed over 200 within the last two days...I will keep you guys posted on how my new corraline growth recovers.

Maybe if others have noticed issues they can post here.

It appears that there are species of Asterina's that do not harm corals/coralline; however, what is in my tank is having a field day.
We have millions in our tank and haven't noticed them eating anything but alage on the glass.
But I will start looking a little closer now.