
Oh?! Do tell why!

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They are a reputable company, they farm all of their products which means that they have to keep contaminants out and keep clean systems. Pests or cross-contamination would be very bad for their business.
Perfect! What about that coralline in a bottle? Trust that since algae barn sells it? I doubt they make it.

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You could ask someone here to scrape some for you. I use to leave a mag float in my 180 for cleaning, it was a great source to scrape with a razor into a baggie for someone.
How old is your tank? Seeding coralline didn't do anything for me until about 6 months in.
I would trust anything that comes from algae barn.

Actually, I have a different experience. You couldn’t pay me $1000 to put any Algae Barn products in any of my tanks ever again.

Ive purchased several of their products and every one came infested with multiple pests (bubble algae, hair algae, 2 strains of cyano, aiptasia, and caluerpa... thankfully nothing I couldn’t identify, quarantine, and exterminate with lots of effort). Also, the majority of their orders arrived dead or mostly dead, whether they arrived on time or very very late. Furthermore, even with a nasty rotten mess upon opening one box, they didn’t honor their DOA policy. And their pods are a pathetic quantity for the price paid, and more than half are always dead on arrival. And I find their pods to be misleadingly named too, which makes me suspicious that they are taking advantage of and profiting off the uninformed and beginners. Not cool in my book.

If you ask and/or read the fine print, they don’t make any claims or guarantees as to the cleanliness of their products, nor the quantity that you will receive. Plus I already mentioned they don’t honor their DOA.

I asked around after the fact, and heard a couple dozen similar horror stories about them. Wish I had asked around before I placed my order. All-in-all, they are great at marketing... but probably one of the worst companies I’ve interacted with.

On a positive note, their customer service is super friendly and fast to respond! So I’m sure some of their people are great!!! It’s just the company and it’s practices to which I am opposed.
Sorry for the rant. It just gets under my skin when I see large companies (or individuals) taking advantage of others.

If anything, I hope my bad reviews stimulate the company to get their act together. Or to encourage others to look for quality sources, and not go to Algae Barn just because they market themselves well.
Sorry for the rant. It just gets under my skin when I see large companies (or individuals) taking advantage of others.

If anything, I hope my bad reviews stimulate the company to get their act together. Or to encourage others to look for quality sources, and not go to Algae Barn just because they market themselves well.

So with that said. Eventually I’ll need some cheato that’s clean. Where would you suggest or where have you found that’s a good place to get “algae barn type things”

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Funny how we jump through all kinds of hoops early on in our reefing careers to try to get that wonderful coralline growing. I just cleaned 2 of my Vortechs and 2 frag racks, I believe I used several colorful explicits while talking to said “wonderful“ coralline. :rolleyes:
Funny how we jump through all kinds of hoops early on in our reefing careers to try to get that wonderful coralline growing. I just cleaned 2 of my Vortechs and 2 frag racks, I believe I used several colorful explicits while talking to said “wonderful“ coralline. :rolleyes:
I agree. To hell with coralline
So with that said. Eventually I’ll need some cheato that’s clean. Where would you suggest or where have you found that’s a good place to get “algae barn type things”

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haha... basically ditto on everything @Eric_n_Ga just said.

There are lots of local options that will be 1000 times cleaner, healthier, and larger than anything you’d get at Algae Barn. That applies to much more than just algae. And for something like Chaeto, the cleanest option would be to get a small sample from a good source, and then grow it out.

Heck, I can give you a chunk for you if you want. No charge.
I’ll take those that have offered coralline and cheato up on their offer after this virus stuff slows down more. Thanks for the good discussion folks!

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I have some dirty chaeto if you want to just go ahead and get it out of the flat worms, bristle worms, star fish , baby snails , all kinds of biodiversity . I have just given up trying to keep things out . Keeping them under control is much more doable for me.