You don't need bright lights depending of the strain. Some strains actually grow fast under NO lights. A good example is my algae is a great indicator of when it is time to change bulbs. When my dark purple starts taking off, my lights have started to fade. When I throw new ones in, the dark purple turns white and the light purple makes a surge.
Calcium and Alkalinity balanced will give you optimum growth. I would shoot for 400ppm calcium and around 10dkh alkalinity.
Nitrates and phosphates... keep them low... very low.
Flow... you need at least 5x turnover in the tank and there doesn't seem to be a max limit.
Lastly salinity, temp and pH. Keeping them stable seems to be the most important but shoot for a salinity around 1.024, temp around 80 and a pH around 8.2.
The first month is the seeding time with new tiny specs forming on rock and glass. You should start to see small dots appearing on your glass in the second month. By the third if settings are good in your tank, you will probably be scraping it off of some places.