corals for 12g nano cube?


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What kind of coral can I put in my 12g nano cube? It has two 24watt 50/50 bulbs. I like leather corals. I think I can keep them but i'm not sure. I want to add some color to though to.
You should be good with lower light softies. The leathers should be ok. If you could find a retrofit kit that would work that would be the best option.
here was my new addition qt, made the canopy VERY easily and then bought a retro kit for more lighting. It had a plastic freshwater bulb fixture when I bought it.
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I would go with some mushrooms and zoanthids. They are hardy and will grow fast. They also do not require much light. I would look into Sprayins light for sure!! That way your not very limited to what you can put in it.
Dustin is that your TV? lol I like how its on the TV's stand. Every since I got a tank I don't watch TV anymore very much. The aquariums are my TV.
mshady wrote: What kind of coral can I put in my 12g nano cube? It has two 24watt 50/50 bulbs. I like leather corals. I think I can keep them but i'm not sure. I want to add some color to though to.

I have the same lighting on my nano, and my zoos are doing well and my trumpet coral is growing like crazy, so some LPS is not out of the question.
Have zoos, a candy cane and 2 hammer corals in my 12 gal nano. The candy cane is growing, from 3 to 7 heads since I bought it and I have lower lighting than you mentioned. I got frags from other members and they are beautiful.:D
jhutto wrote: Have zoos, a candy cane and 2 hammer corals in my 12 gal nano. The candy cane is growing, from 3 to 7 heads since I bought it and I have lower lighting than you mentioned. I got frags from other members and they are beautiful.:D

Are your hammers doing well? That's cool :up: Maybe I'll add one. Did you modify your pump output or add any additional flow to your tank?
They are doing very well. One is the neon bright green and the other is a softer green. One looks like its getting ready to split. I have live rock, a hang on back filter system (came with tank) and added the new Nano Aqua C protein skimmer 6 months ago. Water movement is good with both runnning. I just feed all the corals the microvert and keep the lights on. My light is the compact floursecents of 2 @ 18W. And do the water changes of about 2 gallons weekly.
jhutto wrote: They are doing very well. One is the neon bright green and the other is a softer green. One looks like its getting ready to split. I have live rock, a hang on back filter system (came with tank) and added the new Nano Aqua C protein skimmer 6 months ago. Water movement is good with both runnning. I just feed all the corals the microvert and keep the lights on. My light is the compact floursecents of 2 @ 18W. And do the water changes of about 2 gallons weekly.

Nice! I've wanted a green hammer for a while- If you ever frag it will you keep me in mind? Also, how is the Aqua C skimmer working for you? I've thought about getting it but have heard mixed reviews on it.
wbholwell wrote: Nice! I've wanted a green hammer for a while- If you ever frag it will you keep me in mind? Also, how is the Aqua C skimmer working for you? I've thought about getting it but have heard mixed reviews on it.

Oops- I was thinking of the Fission nano skimmer for around 30 bucks. It looks like the Aqua C nano skimmer is just a scaled-down version on the Aqua C, so I'm sure it's great. (At least it better be for $130)
Everybody told me that the fisson was not a good product. They are discounted all over the place so that should tell us something. The Nano Aqua C just came out in the early summer and not many people had them. I got mine from Marine Depot and the price you quoted was about right. I have read several articles that stated a skimmer is very important to keep water quality great in a small tank. I plugged it in and dump the cup once or twice a week and I am done. It has worked fine for the last six months. Its some money but in the overall costs of owning, I thought it was worth it. I also have a pajama cardinal, watchman goby and a percula along with a pepermint shrimp so I am done in the fish category.
If you're emptying the collection cup a couple times per week then I'd say it's money well spent. I'm now interested in getting one, but I'd have to do some hood modifications (I have the 12 gal nano by JBJ with a tight-fitting hood)
wbholwell wrote: I have the same lighting on my nano, and my zoos are doing well and my trumpet coral is growing like crazy, so some LPS is not out of the question.
I'll second this. Trumpet/Candy Cane corals will do fine under that lighting.

I would think Green Star Polyps would be OK, too, but they might take over the place.
Xenias, zoos, toadstools, kenyas, and colts do well for me in my 12 nano.
I was checking a site a few days ago, and they had all sorts of hard corals in it also and they were doing GREAT, actually they were in the process of fragging them.