corals on steroids??


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i was reading the thread on italian tanks and saw the posting about adding HGH to their tanks to achieve huge sps growth rates...these tanks look amazing.....basically taking the HGH and adding protein in the form of mussles, squid etc then dosing the tank and allowing the corals to feed..."></a>

they talk about the sps being 1 inch in diameter,,,crazy! i wonder what it would do to the fish in the tank,...apart from shrinking thier ba**

hmmm,,,lights going off in my head,,,maybe i should run down to the cvs tonight and pick up some roids and start dosing the tank.......
Wow those are the biggest SPS I have ever seen in a Home Aquarium. Why don't we do this?
rit, i've been researching this a lot since i read this post a couple of months ago.. the italians use a substance called blue coral. a subtance availible in europe which basically contains hgh (human growth hormone) and amino acids. the coral use this on a cellular level to grow bigger and faster. just like body builders. unavailble here in the us. im game to try anything to see if it works...just like using swimming pool calcium hydroxide. (which i had my doubts about, but totally rocks, but thats another discussion). My tank is up and running, after a minor disaster yest where the electricty went out for the first time since the setup and my sump overflowed spilling approx 50 galls on the floor. (i forgot to drill holes on the returns to stop siphoning). now rectified.. lol!

im going to europe next month and will be on the look out for it.... stay posted..
How in the world would HGH make a coral calcify faster? Not like corals break protiens down the way we do or have glands that control growth or cellular aging. A souped up protein might work that gives the coral more energy, but HGH!?! I smell B/S in the advertising.
Cameron, that's what I'm thinking. Human hormones should only affect the growth rates of human, and possibly other primates', cells.

"The genes for human growth hormone are localized in the q22-24 region of chromosome 17 ("><span style="color: #0000ff;">GH1</span></a></em>) and are closely related to [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">human chorionic somatomammotropin</span></a> (hCS, also known as [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">placental lactogen</span></a>) genes. GH, human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS), and [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">prolactin</span></a> (PRL) are a group of [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">homologous</span></a> hormones with growth-promoting and lactogenic activity.
The major isoform of the human growth hormone is a protein of 191 [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">amino acids</span></a> and a molecular weight of about 22,000 [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">daltons</span></a>. The structure includes four helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH receptor. GH is structurally and apparently evolutionarily homologous to prolactin and chorionic somatomammotropin. Despite marked structural similarities between growth hormone from different [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">species</span></a>, only human and [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">primate</span></a> growth hormones have significant effects in humans."
Now whey or soy infused foods would be interesting. You would have to watch how much dosed, but it could do something. Concentrated proteins are not a bad idea just have to watch for big upswings in nitrates, phosphates and ammonia.
wouldnt proteins just be broken down into their respective ammino acids? several organic coral supplements contain these.
HGH does not make coral grow faster period, like the post above it is targeted for certain human gene and thats why it's named Human Growth Hormone. Maybe something about the amino acid that we have not researched about but definitely not HGH. There must be something inside that supplement that is causing it, that is if it works and not a placebo, that makes the corals grow after.
hgh is not a steroid. and even if it were possible to help growth, it would cost 10s of thousands of dollars for a weeks worth of supply bc it would get heavily diluted in a large body of water.
Jamie, we need an update...did you find any special additives on your trip to Europe?
I thought I read somewhere that the function of the HGH is to help break down the proteins making them more soluable and readily accessable for uptake by the corals. I may be talking out my a$$ though, as I often am caught doing...
You wouldn't want to do this even if it worked. I hear the coral eventually stings it's neighbors to death an shades all it's frags before a fatal bleaching. :lol2:

:eek: Yeah. Someone had to go there. :eek:
Yeah I guess we have to be careful what we wish for...

Although there is an alternate ending as well, whereby the tank owner constantly frags his rapidly growing corals and hands them out to the rest of us at meetings...
well after my trip to england,,,the answer is no... i went to a reef store in london city (practically the only one)...and they did not have any.. i guess italy is the only place you can get the stuff for now... i've tried to navigate through italian web pages for the stuff but i cant speak a lick of the language so i get stuck... have thought about dosing hgh in my tank but without any literature on anyone doing so here in the states i would be afraid to do so.
jessezm;78129 wrote: I thought I read somewhere that the function of the HGH is to help break down the proteins making them more soluable and readily accessable for uptake by the corals. I may be talking out my a$$ though, as I often am caught doing...

hGH does not make proteins more soluble, but in a way more accessible. hGH is a protein that has a sequence of 190 or so amino acids. The only thing it really does with protein is help increase the absorption rate of different amino acids and the rate of protein synthesis. But it has to be introduced to IGF-1 , a hormone secreted by your liver, to really cause this. hGH does have quite a pronounced effect on the skeletal system, adding to bone density. This may be were the idea comes from. But again, in order to do that it has to pass through the liver and be introduced to IGF-1 to cause skeletal mass to increase. Though you can buy synthetic IGF-1, but i know nothing about it. Now anabolic steroids speed up the intake of proteins far more than hGH, but they are not going to have any effect on calcium which is what is going to make the sps thicker.

You can't get it anywhere in Europe, its illegal. The main places it comes from are Asian countries and labs in Florida. Though theres no easy way to legally obtain it; so if growing your coral is worth smuggling over hGH and going to jail for a couple years after getting caught, then go for it. If your say 25 or older, you can contact an anti-aging clinic to get it sent to you legally. About a months supply for human consumption has risen to about $400-$500, and thats a very very small amount. Kids with growth issues will take over $10k worth a month. So think about how much you would have to add in a 150+ gallon aquarium even if it did work. In no way, even if it were possible, would it be worth it.
The fundamentals of the method that the Italian reefers are using is still very interesting without the HGH. The method is known as the Blu Coral method and involves the feeding of a blender based coral food called Pappone.

The Blu Coral method is basically like the Berlin Method - strong lighting, strong water movement, strong skimming. The method also calls for elevated parameters - 450 - 500ppm Ca, 12-14dKh Alk, 1400 Mg as well as consistent doses of Strontium and Iodide.

The HGH is actually added to the Pappone mix which includes the live/fresh seafood (no frozen), red algae (palmaria), green alage (spirulina), a splash of RO/DI water and a dash of sugar. This stuff is all put in a blender and then blended for like 15 minutes to make it like a cream consitency. This mix is then frozen into cubes.

The sugar is added as a carbon source to activate beneficial bacteria in the tank. The active bacteria serve to help break down the additional nutrients added by the Pappone feedings allowing better removal with your protein skimmer. The bacteria is also an additional food source.
Feedings are done shortly after lights out starting with about a half cube. The procedure is to dose amino acid supplements an hour before the lights go out, remove your skimmer cup but leave the skimmer running to maintain oxygen levels, remove any filter pads, spognes or filter socks, and then feed the pappone mix afer lights out. The filtration is then put back in place the next morning.

The theory is that the HGH breaks down (in the blender or from the freezing?)into its fundamental components which is basically a whole bunch of amino acids.

Certain aminos have been identified to be beneficial to corals for both growth and coloration. L-glutamine, L-aspartic acid, Lysine, Tyrosine etc. They also seem to help with polyp extension. I think that this stuff acts like an appetizer and really opens up the corals allowing better capture of food particles.

The other part of this seem to be conditioning/training the corals to accept the food as the method calls for this to be done a consistent schedule. The aminos seem to trigger the feeding response and then they have a huge amount of food that they can feed on for hours with no filter components removing it from the tank.

The other theory is that the always available reserve of calcification materials via the elevated levels allows unrestrained growth.

Some hobbyists are simply dosing the aminos (seachem reef plus, elos omega aminos, etc.) before feeding and have had good results without the HGH. This is what I am planning since the HGH is illegal. :doh: