Corals that flouresce


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Looking to eventually add a few corals that really fluoresce.

Anyone have favorites?

I've got rbta, hammer, and frogspawn corals already.

ryanremle;995679 wrote: Looking to eventually add a few corals that really fluoresce.

Anyone have favorites?

I've got rbta, hammer, and frogspawn corals already.


Any coral with zooxanthelle fluoresces. I would suggest to take a trip to one of the LFS and choose from there. Bluer light gives the best fluorescence.

My favorite to see it from would be zoas/palys.
Be careful and do some research as well on what you choose. .. not because they flouresce, means that they will be nice corals to have. .. in other words... looking for the special needs of the coral you want will led you to a better desicion, some corals, but not all, would probably take over in the tank and grow to a different rate than others... you might end battling a desicion on whether you have chosen the right coral or not in a future when this same corals fight for space in your tank. Hope you understand me and I explained correctly my point.
My modern meat coral is georgous under blue leds
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My hammer looks great as well.
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MarquiseO;995694 wrote: Any coral with zooxanthelle fluoresces. I would suggest to take a trip to one of the LFS and choose from there. Bluer light gives the best fluorescence.

My favorite to see it from would be zoas/palys.

I thought all corals had zoox along for the ride ?

Greens typically glow the most. Only thing I can see when my moonlights are on.