Corals you didnt like but now love


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So I got a mini colony of starry night, about 3 or 4 inches and a lot of branches. Was pretty bland underneath my lights, even listed it for sale.

Over the last few weeks with better and better polyp extension it's really becoming a highlight of the tank with such bright specs of color on the polyps.

Anyone else have something you may not have cared for but really become something you know like.


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I have a bunch of corals for which my appreciation has grown over the years. Too many to list specifics.

Certain plate coral varieties, acanthophyllia, various types of mushrooms, chalices... my current favorites are Favias.
I have a bunch of corals for which my appreciation has grown over the years. Too many to list specifics.

Certain plate coral varieties, acanthophyllia, various types of mushrooms, chalices... my current favorites are Favias.
Favias/Favites rock. I stayed clear stocking this tank despite them being amongst my favorite due to slow growth but the WWC Lemon Lime I have is growing so fast I'm wondering about getting another one or two varieties to see how they do in this setup. Not much room left though.