Corroding SeaSide Aquatics Magnetic Probe Holder


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I just wanted to post about finding some corrosion on the supposedly watertight SeaSide Aquatics brand magnetic probe holders I was using in the sump of my 465 gallon tank. A probe holder is something I don't think a lot about once it is in place, and I pulled it off the other day during some maintenance and noticed some corrosion on the magnet surface through the acrylic cover.

The stuff is white, not rust colored, and looks like the powdery stuff you might see on a car battery terminal. Either way, not something I want in my tank any longer.

Just a heads up to anyone using this brand. I think SeaSide Aquatics is a subsidiary brand of eShoppes.
I will post pics in a bit.
I'm using one but it's actually above the water line with the pH and temp probe sticking downward into the water. I need to check mine now.
Anything magnetic in the aquarium should ALWAYS be thoroughly checked....esp if it's something "simple". I would say most pumps from rep manufactures "should" be ok...but always check! There was a thread on RC about the two little fishies magnetic food holder. Some guy lost tons of SPS colonies and took quite a long time to figure out what it was. Good find Dave before anything negative started to happen....and thanks for the heads up.
Here are the pics. The shiny, silvery part of the magnet is normal. The dull gray areas visible in the pics is the whitish, powdery looking corrosion.

Corroding magnet that holds the probe holder side in place:
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A second SeaSide Aquatics probe holder I pulled that is starting to corrode:
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The corroding probe holder side with the actual probe holder part broken off by me:
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The broken off probe holder part Dremeled by me and MacGyvered onto a piece of lexan to hang in the sump, attached with Weldon16. Tried to salvage something of my $36 purchase.
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And in use in my now magnet and corrosion free sump:
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Thanks Lee. No casualties or any issues I think were caused by it yet, but just a reminder it is a good idea to check everything in the equipment system at least once in a while.
Awesome to hear. I had some magnets from a frag rack rusting and noticed a drop in acro color.

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