CPR Aquafuge


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Stone Mountain
I currently have a HOB CPR Aquafuge. It's the medium size and the older model that uses a siphon for the outlet. Right now it's hanging on my 65g and I'm wondering if it's worth the hassle. I've had a number of issues with it and right now it's covered in algae and cyano. I also have 4" of sand in it. I read on WetWebMedia that it's basically a "puddle" and doesn't serve much of a purpose. Should I remove it? I've also thought about taking it off, cleaning the sand out of it and running it as nothing more that a cheato farm. I want to modify the outlet to the newer style that's gravity fed rather than depending on a siphon. If I can do that my water level issue will be taken care of. I'm just wondering if it's really worth fooling with at all.
Do you have a pic? I don't understand what you mean by "siphon fed". And refugiums are supposed to be covered in algae, it means the algae isn't in the rest of the tank. That, and pods love the algae on the sides of the fuge.

How big is the tank it's on? It may not serve much purpose if it's not big enough. I think it's worth fooling with, but only if used properly, and you keep up regular tank maintenance; it's not going to be a cure-all for tank problems, but rather just another tool in our arsenal.
I don't have a picture at this point but the old CPR refugiums had an outlet that uses a siphon to get water back into the display tank. The newer one's don't use a siphon but have a free flow back into the display. They are "fed" with a powerhead. Regardless, the tank is 65 gallon with a 10 gallon sump. The medium Aquafuge hold around 2.5 gallons. Of course it's not a cure all, regular maintainence is the only way to go. However, is the time put into it worth the effort? For example, the 10 gallon water change that I regulary perform is worth the time and effort to keep my tank looking good. I'm just wondering how effective this tool is?