CPR Bak-Pak 2 Skimmer problems still!!!!!!!!!


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:confused2: Ok I have rattled my brain and I cant seem to get this right. Some of you may recall from a previous thread of mine that my skimmer wasnt producing skimmate. Well due to my retardedness (if that's a word) I didn't have any air pumping into the MJ 1200 so therefore no bubbles and no skimmate. So I thought I fixed the problem by hooking up the venturi tube to the pump. Wrong it started forcing water out of the venturi. So plan two was i have a small air pump directly connected to the MJ forcing air in that instead of the venturi tube on the MJ and all of a sudden i have tons of bubbles. I let the skimmer run and sure enough I started pulling out waste. But I am pumping tons of bubbles into the tank out of the output of the skimmer and my poor little fish think it's food all the time. Ive been doing a bit of research and have found a couple of solutions I think.

1. Buy this http://www.aquabuys.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=rs_co2_needle-valve&Category_Code=w1&Product_Count=18">http://www.aquabuys.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=rs_co2_needle-valve&Category_Code=w1&Product_Count=18</a> and run it on my air pump line and hopefully I can reduce the amount of bubbles going in and less will come out of the output.

2. Figure out why my MJ 1200 is pushing out water and not sucking in air...thats where you guys come in :yay:

3. [IMG]http://www.athiel.com/lib10/bakpak.htm">http://www.athiel.com/lib10/bakpak.htm</a> this guy suggested a few solutions but so far havent helped and I have had a chance to try a needle valve yet.

4. I have no idea and this is driving me crazy!!!
Does your MJ have the part installed into the water inlet as pictured in the following link?

That's your problem! For these to work effectively, the air should be pulled in along with the water so the impeller can "chop" the air into smaller bubbles.
mufret wrote: That's your problem! For these to work effectively, the air should be pulled in along with the water so the impeller can "chop" the air into smaller bubbles.
so do i need to buy some sort of adapter? where do I get one of those? Can I get it locally?
Any place that carries CPR should be able to get it for you. Check with Imagine Ocean. I know they carry CPR items.
well i have ordered and received the adapter for my MJ that will draw in air and now that I have bubbles pumping into my skimmer I have started to pull some skim from the tank. But to be able to pull any foam I have to let alot of air into the skimmer causing an outragous amount of bubbles into the tank. My poor little fish think it's food and chase the air bubbles so I cut the skimmer off. What can I do to fix this problem? If I put a pantyhose sock on the output of the skimmer will it catch the air bubbles and break them up before they enter my tank? Thanks