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I thought I was buying an emerald crab. Soon it became something else, A hairy crab. Can someone Identify?
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It looks exactly like my crab, which I believe is a red variety of the emerald crab. (Mine was a hitchhiker)
Different angle
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Here's my guy:

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This pic was taken about 3 months ago. I don't see him that often- he's really good at hiding.
Matrix crabs get "hairy" over time... Looks like a type of Matrix (emerald) crab to me.
Claws are blunted... appears to be an algae eater. Edged claws are usually the ones you worry about.
Looks like a member of the <u>Mantis treatus </u> species to me. I'll take care of it for you ;)
So its a good crab? Ms. K did you mean you'll take care of it like "alright you dirty crab this'll take care of you" or "nice crab huggy huggy kissy kissy, we'll be dining in tonight":)?
well theortically, there are no "good" crabs, but if you keep them well feed, they should stay away from corals, unless they find one to their liking, then nothing will stop them from eating it, short of removing them.
Well, I guess that was a little bit of a lie. What I should've said is "Scylla will take care of her for you." In case you don't know Scylla, this is her:
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Ms. K;40805 wrote: Well, I guess that was a little bit of a lie. What I should've said is "Scylla will take care of her for you." In case you don't know Scylla, this is her:

So it was an invitation to "Dine IN"