Craigslist 60 GAL Water Storage Containers


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Found these while parusing craigslist. Cheap, new and even food grade containers. Can be used for designed purpose or to store RO/DI or mix SW.

Nice price on buy? Wonder how cheap he/she would go on 10.
There's a bait shop (of all places) in Athens that sells the blue 55gal ones like that for like $20-$25 when I got mine about a year ago. Had some kind of food grade cooking oil in em at some point though.
These are new....wouldn't want to use anything that had "something" else stored in it at one time or another.
Agree with Mark. Needs to be new and covered at all times.

The ones in the craigslist ad aren't new either. The ad says "recycled 60 gal plastic food-grade containers".

However why would it matter if they're new or not if they're food grade? Food grade means it's not supposed to leach or absorb.
Aww. you are right George. I mis-read it as made of recycled plastic food grade containers. But the add does say new...and food grade should not absorb or leach. So they should be good. I might pick up one for SW mixing.