Creature ID help, please


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Hey yall,
I apologize now for not having a picture to go with this, but Im hoping to take one tonight when the tank lights come on. In my refugium last night, I noticed two small jellyfish type creatures. The best description I can give is:

about 1-2 cm long (about the size, or slightly larger than some of the bigger amphipods it was near
Moves like a jellyfish
shape is a somewhat open tube... it's body is basically an oval, which wraps around to form a tube, though not the whole thing, its more like two "wings" which wrap around and join to form the tube.
Has a mouth type opening, but even though I could see inside it, didnt seem to have any internal structure
It definately pulses for motion
They are NOT your "normal" semicircular jellyfish shape
It had no appendages that I could discern, nor any sort of stingers trailing it

I know this is not the greatest description, but its the best I can do til I see it again, lol.

If you have any ideas, I would love to look them up on the web and see if I can ID this thing. I cant take a pic now, cuz they're nowhere to be found, so hopefully I'll see more in the middle of the night.
I know I wasn't sure on the phone earlier, but reading this I'm wondering if this is it?
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There we go...
WTFrick. Anyway. Look up clear flatworm on google. Go to images. Look around there and see if that's it.
upon closer inspection on the one i just found and compared to the picture.... Bingo.. the club comes through.

a big "You are correct, sir!" to you both :)
Do i finally get one of those pretty green squares for that, or what? I want a friggin' rep point too! :D
Platyplakia;56001 wrote: Do i finally get one of those pretty green squares for that, or what? I want a friggin' rep point too! :D
lol... you disabled your reputation system. If you want to turn it back on, its in the user cp
Thanks Prez.:up: Intellegence has never been my strong point... :doh: I'll get right on that!