Critter Question


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My 12g nano tank has been set up for about a month now. A have a few snails, hermits, and a strawberry crab. All over the glass, inside the tank, these little white critters continue to multiply every day. I have a feeling that when I get a fish or two in there they will take care of them, but I just thought I would ask to see if anyone knows what they are and if they are anything I should worry about it. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!
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Those look like hydroids. They don't affect most of the larger inverts/fish usually</em>, but they can multiply quickly and therefore become a problem.
I had those in my tank when I first set it up also. I thought they were little anenomes?
I think they were introduced by the liverock. I would just leave them. I left mine and I totally forgot I ever had them until I saw this. Mine are gone.
I have similar looking things in my refugium, but they don't have the typical tube/stalk and head that hydroids usually do (at least the ones I had in my old tank). They're pretty much flat. I had assumed they were some sort of calcerious organism that sprang up in the soup that is a my refugium.
I vote glass anemone. So long as they don't start attacking something or attaching to corals I wouldn't worry.
hydroid jellyfish. They sometimes pop up right after a tank is set up or moved. Their populations will explode and you'll have them everywhere. Then they'll disappear and all will return to normal. Not a big deal. I think some fish might eat them because I tend to see them more in my fuge than in the main tank.
Re: Ms. K - Yes, that's what I meant! I should have specified the jellies</em> part, but I can only remember so much at 6 in the morning. :roll:

Clovis, they should go away with time; I would not be too concerned.
Flipturn88 wrote: Re: Ms. K - Yes, that's what I meant! I should have specified the jellies</em> part, but I can only remember so much at 6 in the morning. :roll:

Clovis, they should go away with time; I would not be too concerned.

It's all good. I'm just glad I could actually say something halfway intelligent and contribute in a positive way. :)