Cube recommendations?


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I'm sitting here looking at a spot in my office that'd be great for a 12-14 gal cube. What do y'all recommend in that size range? Probably keep softies and a small fish or two...
bigger the better :) ...really depends on the fish you are planning to keep on what size I would pick
Love the Oceanic Biocubes. So easy for decor tanks. I've had each size and because they are an enclosed system the top-off is minimal so you don't have to worry about leaving it for the weekend.

A lot of people like the JBJ, but I've always had a problem with that company when their viper lights kept falling into tanks but that's just me.
Why don't you just buy my 30 gallon setup?????? Good deal for everyone.:thumbs:

I have my 29 gallon Biocube in my office here at work. Going to be getting a 14 gallon Biocube for home.

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Buy my 12 gallon NanoCube. I have the modded hood that has the 70 watt HQI and 2 24 watt PC's. I keep any type of coral from softies to SPS.
I have enjoyed my 14gal Biocube.
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I've got the 24g aquapod if you want to know anything about it. It's the open top version for HQI.
chull13;158229 wrote: Buy my 12 gallon NanoCube. I have the modded hood that has the 70 watt HQI and 2 24 watt PC's. I keep any type of coral from softies to SPS.

how much you want for it? i am intrested so i can put it in my office
<span style="font-size: 12px;">I love my 14 gal Biocube also. But if I had it to do all over again I would buy the 29 gal. for about $100 more. The reasons being, the 14 fills up fast (not just with water), there is more margin for error with the larger water volume and I think the 29 looks nicer IMO. Be sure to check on club discounts and factory rebates. I think these tanks are great because they are &#8220;plug and play&#8221;.
anyone have a nano tank that doesn't have such curved corners? Saw the biocube over the weeked and didn't like the blurr effect...heard it's also more difficult to clean. Thoughts?