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I have begun the process of switching my oolite grade sand out for a heavier grain of sand. The bow front tank looks like a snow globe with the amount of flow I would like to have.

I did a 10% water change(9-10 gallons) and pulled maybe a half gallon of sand out. There are tons of cerith, nassarius and limpets in the sand.

I thought about using a colander to sift through it all but was wondering if there is another way. Can I add something to the water to get them all to surface?
In freshwater tanks you can put a cucumber or zucchini in the tank to attract the Malaysian trumpet snails. Is there something similar?
You could potentially try putting the sand in hypo-saline water to get them to surface, though I don't know if that would give you enough time to find them all. You could do similar tricks with low levels of reef dips, but you run into the same time problem. A chunk of meat in the bucket overnight would probably be your best bet.