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My tank has cycled and I am ready to add my CUC. What is best way to get them into the tank? Do I need to slowly adjust water conditions using a QT as I am not using a sump.

Also, i have received mixed messages about hermit crabs. Some say great other say avoid. Any thoughts?

First of all when you get them put them in a bucket and drip acclimate them for a period of an hour or more.

If you dont have a drip tube then use a container to add tank water evry 15 minutes or so.

Second hermits knock things over and some of them get pretty big.

If your stuff is secured you shouldn't have any worries.

IMO the correct way to add a CUC is to start smaller than you think you need and add as required.
I think hermits are evil! I never have anything secured in my tank! My maroon clown picks up sps and moves it. You shouldn't have to buy anything to drip acclimate except a foot or so of airline and a bucket!
I look at my hermits knocking stuff over as motivation to get it mounted. For the record, astreas and turbos are not any better (my turbos are clumsy), but I've never seen them climbing my orange digi like I have with some crabs. I have 5 scarlet reef crabs and about 20 blue legs. I've noticed several of the blue legs sporting new shells lately (mostly cerith shells, but a few astrea) and will just buy some more snails. I figure restocking my snails every 4-5 months is worth it (for the $50 it costs...drop in the bucket in this hobby), and eventually there should be enough shells to go around.

FWIW, I float my bags of inverts 20min, strain the crabs/snails out, then dump them in (making sure to upright the astreas) and I have good success with that.