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Used Chemiclean about 48hrs ago not seeing much improvement


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Lots of info here
Check your nutrients levels if they are both bottomed out to zero it can cause a dino outbreak.
I would read up on Dinos. Now that my tank is >3 years old, I find that these kinds of outbreaks hardly ever happen, so could also be just a phase if your tank is young.
Actually it didn’t knock it out but it did knock it down after 24 hrs19811BA7-8B82-40B6-BA0D-62EABD15C47A.jpeg983896FF-EFE9-4C5E-B8F5-9E2CAADA4E6F.jpeg
Trying to decide to dose with another does of vibrant or go ahead and start Dino-x
Uv has had plenty of success in killing dinos. If cost is a factor, plenty of people have used the "green killing machine" with great results in eradication over a few days. They usually use it and then toss it in the "if I ever need it again" box.
It would be a $100 purchase for a 125, but if others have had success I’m not opposed. Is it a better choice than Dino-x
If you're using Vibrant, you'd be better off using AlgaeFix, same thing for significantly cheaper. Neither works against dinos though.
The shadyness of vibrant has kept me from ever using it. I had dinos at the start of my tank (dry rock) and just let nature take its course. Haven't had my phos/nitrate bottom out so they haven't come back. Also half dose microbacter 7 on a daily basis so that may help or it may just be coincidence.
If you google dinos and uv there's plenty of info from hands on experiences with it from greater minds than me.
Apparently Dinos are very prevalent in our hobby. I have googled looking for remedies. Lots of them on the internet.
I’m going to try the Dino-x next, because I ordered it and have it in hand. I like the idea of UV. Anybody use it to maintain a Dino free tank.
I had it a few years ago. Honestly it took a few 100% water changes and a sand bed swap out to get rid of the stuff :/