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i can not figure this stuff out. i have done multiple water changes and have been sucking this stuff out. all off my levels are good i even went to cap bay and had them double check. My 40 cube has a mag 12 that is pumping about 600-700 GPH and a maxi jet 1200. my clean up crew is not the best i have about 20+ BL hermits an emerald crab and about 5 astreas. i can get rid of most of cyano i have and it will be back in full force later that evening. i also had a green hair alge bloom lately. i can't figure out what is causing this growth.

i just switched from a 135g to a 40 and i got a new 250w mh bulb. also i used the same sand from the old tank and i did not rinse it. i used to use purple up and i quite before i switched tanks. from what i've heard iodine can cause cyano blooms. If anyone has heard of this before or has any sgestions please LMK.

I know if you're overfeeding with flakes, they will contribute to it-
Chances are it's excess nutrients. Is your skimmer sized appropriately? If so, try cutting back on feedings, siphoning off the cyano every evening just before lights out, and up the water changes to every week.
<span style="color: black;">My guess is high nutrients also. I've been battling cyno for months in my nano cube, but I'm finally getting past it. I was too lazy to suck it out often so I just kept blowing it off the rocks and stirring the sand bed. Do you have a refugium with macro algae on that system?</span>
yes i have a refugium with macro and i do not skim it puts to many bubbles in my system i also feed 1X per day frzn emerald entree
if i beefed up my clean up crew add say 50 bl a sand star a tigertail and some nasseria snails ect would that help.
keep in mind, you are adding more livestock, which means more bioload, which means more nutrient into the water. I, too, suggest evaluating your skimmer performance and nutrient export. Maybe do more water changes, run carbon or purigen, feed less, and definitely dont add any more animals. If one of those snails dies, and you dont get it out before it decomposes, guess how much nutrient (=cyano food) you're adding to the water.
jwils27;132389 wrote: if i beefed up my clean up crew add say 50 bl a sand star a tigertail and some nasseria snails ect would that help.

It's hard to tell. Your problem could be more related to dissolved nutients, in which case a larger CUC would not help much.

How often do you perform water changes?

Have you thought about using a different kind of skimmer (e.g. Aqua C Reomra or Backpak Octopus)?
i have been changing the watter weekly or bi weekly 10-15g also i was using the DI water from harrys and i think the filters might not be so good so i started using cap bay and pets unlimited water.
Clean what is there by syphoning it up and then doing a water change. Kill the lights for a day or two (light your fuge though). Flow... increase it as cyano hates high flow. Run some purigen in the sump or some high flow area. Fix the skimmer, get a better one or correct the design that causes the micro-bubble problem. Stop feeding the fish. You probably only need to feed a couple times per week unless you have a certain kind of fish that requires daily feeding. Many tanks can go a few weeks without food especially if you have a fuge.
And get a TDS meter so that you know the water you're buying is pure.

You might want to do a cost analysis on buying a RO/DI unit vs. buying water. My RO/DI unit paid for itself within 7 months.
Its really simple... :) You need to increase your nutrient export and/or reduce your nutrient import. So feed much less and/or beef up your export since whatever you have now is simply insufficient.