cyanobacteria or dinos??


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I'm having an issue with my 90 gallon reef. I left town for 10 days and came home to find 2 jawfish and my flasher wrasse missing. I can only assume they died and decomposed in the tank. I noticed a spur in growth of what is either cyano or dinos. I did see my emerald crab eating it, which makes me lean towards cyano. I have not checked nitrates, but they were 0 before I left. I'll check them in a few minutes. Also, the issue seems to worsen during the day, leading me to believe that it's photosynthetic whatever it is. Any ideas?
Sounds like cyano if it gets worse toward the end of the light cycle. It is a red slime?

Extra water changes and good flow should help.

Sorry about your fish. :sad:
It's a slime, but it also grows in strings off of the surfaces. Anyone?
Classic cyano. stringy and filmy, gets worse throughout the day, etc., etc. you can reduce your lighting/light cycle, manually remove it (I squirt it with a turky baster and it comes right up, then skim it off with a net). also, water changes and water movement. It should abate once the system balances out.