cycling with live rock


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I am in the process of cycling my tank and I have 100lbs of marco dry rock and would like to seed it with some live rock. I am wondering approximately how much would I need. I was thinking 10-20lbs of live rock... Would that be enough? (90 gallon reef)
Well if you go with 20lbs, then you're looking at 120 lbs in a 90g tank. Unless you plan on taking some out, it's gonna get real crowded, real quick! Are you using the macro rock from BRS? If so, you probably have way more than you really need in there.
You could also use ammonia to start the cycle. I just did it in my nano using dead rock. Mine has been going a little over a month and the rock is already changing color.
Crowded? I had 160lbs on my 120 and there was plenty of room left.. Now I only have about 240 in my 210 and waaaaaay more room than I ever had.. Not sure if I want more..
ok so with that being said I dont really need as much as I thought... I will probably out less than 10 lbs in... Just wanted something to get the cycle going...thanks...
the more "seeded" live rock you add, the shorter your cycle should be..

I used almost ALL "ALIVE" live rock with very few pieces of base rock. consequently, my amonia levels never really spiked "hard"... I even used several dead shrimp to start the process...

when in doubt, give it a shot...