cyno bacteria question?


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How do i get rid of them? I have never EVER vacumed my sand bed, so i'm thinking thats the reason (i have enough flow).

Do you guys vacume your sand bed?
Yeah,,,,, I thought everyone did? How long have your had your tank?Thats the reason you have it then. I have i too but I have cleaned my tank everyday this week and I just got my shipment of Chemi Clean in so we will see how it works.
I had just acquired a diamondback watchman goby when I started to show a cyanobacteria problem, who immediately went to work on the problem. The only exception was the beneficial patch on the sandbed near my sebae anemone, which the court jester goby is brave enough to approach and keep trimmed at a reasonable limit.

Ever since I got the two gobies, keeping the sandbed clean hasn't been a problem in the least.
make sure yoiu have some kind of rock lift else you could get a rockslide
WOLFIE;35910 wrote: make sure yoiu have some kind of rock lift else you could get a rockslide

yeah, we did worry about that for a minute, since we have a really deep sandbed and all the rock was essentially sitting on top of it, but it appears to have settled well, even if it isn't anywhere near resting on the actual plenum. At this point, the "Lou" ('Lou Diamond Goby') has gotten everything the way he likes it, and we haven't had any shifts :D