Dandelion looking things in tank


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I saw these dandelion looking thins in my tank today.....they have a very small, skinny stem. And the dandelion looking part has neon purple tips....it almost looks like some sort of algae they way its growing but haven't found anything that looks like it online.....

Il try and post some pics of it tomorrow but any ideas????

thats what i thought but i looked at some different pics of feather dusters on melevs reef and it didn't match.....

im sure there are more types but so far haven't seen any.....there are a whole bunch very close together which makes me think algae but but not sure....very weird....
shoot some pics and post them... you will likley get an answer real fast.
ok, here is the best pic I could get....it could very well be those Hydriod mentioned above....the best resolution I could get is towards the top of the image.
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It's hard to tell from the picture, Jgoal. They could be hydroids, but again it is difficult to tell from the photo.

To your eyes, do they look a bit like these guys?

Ya hard to tell, My vote is for Hydroids just because of the number of them, the color that was explained and because the placements. But really hard to tell! My second guess would be some sort of duster. Jorge, can you see a hard tube on them?
Those are definately some sort of colonial hydroid. Shoot first and ask questions later is my policy... take em out.
Thanks for the responses guys...it doesn't really look like the pic in that link that Matt sent and the stem is much, much skinnier than that. And the head of the stem is much rounder (really, really looks like a super mini dandelion) but somewhat furry looking.

If it is a hydriod, should they all be taken out? If so, why are they showing up?
blow on them and see if they whisp away in the.......ummm, current? :tongue:
If they are Hydroids they do not need to be taken out, but they are pretty hard to keep alive.
The worry is that they are said to have a nasty sting and can sting your inhabitants. Watch them closely. Do any of them move? And by move, I mean suddenly bend over, then straighten back up. I had them. They eventually went away, but not before they spread a bit. If you're concerned about them, you may want to take the rock out and scrub it.