Dang skimmer question again


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Ok, I did as Dawgdude said and cleaned the spray injector on my Aquac Remora, and its making plenty of foam now...Problem is I am STILL not getting ANYTHING in the collection cup. The foam is there, and it seems like it wants to go, but it is either dissipating or just not having enough push to get into the collection cup. Any other knowledge yall can drop on me would be great, Thanks.
<span style="color: black;">What size tank you have? how many fish?</span>
<span style="color: black;">How high do you have the cup? (you know you can adjust the cup height thus controlling the way it skims) </span>
55 gallon, yellow tang, 4, 4 stripe damsels, dogface puffer, bumblebee goby, mandarin dragonette. I have the cup at the lowest setting (on the website it says it will collect the most.
The tank has been up and running for around 4 months or more now... I am having patience but truthfully a skimmer is a whole other world for me and this is the first one I have ever dealt with so I really do not know what to expect.
It's too probably too soon.

You need to let the skimmer buildup some slime before it will skim properly. Also, as the poop begins to buildup, the skimmer will skim.
I dont know what kind of impact this has, but how far should I have my pump submerged in the tank? It is at 3-4 inches below the surface right now id say but does it need to be higher, lower?
I know I am not even close to this point yet but do you ever worry with overflowing with your remora?