Danger -- Adding a Coral Beauty to a Reef Tank??


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Would it be risky to add a Coral Beauty to my reef tank?

I have a medium size clam, frogspawn, hammer, and candy cane corals.

Just wonder if anyone has had success -- or is this taking a chance I don't need to take?

Thanks everyone!

i have one that only pics at kenya tree frags like 1 time a month.
I had a coral beauty for a while in a reef tank with clams and never saw him/her bother anything in the tank, but that is just my experience.
I know angles can nip at sps and clams.
I had one for about 7 months never bothering anything. A couple of months ago he starting eating the poylups on all my SPS, this really didn't bother me since I didn't have that many. He than started picking at my 2 clams and he was gone!:D
This is what I love about the ARC -- experience! :yay:

Thanks to all,
Yeah, if you want SPS, I wouldn't. I dont think they would bother LPS though? I had a flame angel and it picked at SPS.
i have a bi color that dose not pick at anything. Its kind of luck of the draw. also a well fed angel is less likly to pick off course
I've got one now--he's been in my mixed reef tank (SPS, LPS, Softies, Clams, etc.) for 5 months without problems. I think it depends on the individual fish. It may also depend on what and how much you feed--I'm probably a bit generous in this regard.
My coral beauty is fine in my tank...I've not seen him nip at anything. He's well fed though.
I think you will be fine as long as you fed it well and there's lots pods (gives it something to munch on when you aren't feeding it).
Darn, I thought this was a done deal -- now you guys are swaying me toward a purchase.

Obviously I want one -- but hate to introduce potential problems to my otherwise happy tank.

I have no SPS at this time -- I think I'm too new to the hobby to venture into that territory.

My clam is probably my most challenging member -- and so far he's happy as a "clam" -- sorry, I just had to say it:lol2:
I've had two dwarf angels that ignored my corals, but neither of them was a Coral Beauty. Does owning a CB out way the potential risk?
Just depends on if your willing to risk it. My CB is always eating off my live rock and loves algae sheets, plus whatever I feed, but he hasn't touched any corals, although I only have a few corals in my tank, but I've heard of some that will nip, just depends on the fish.
Ive had my Coral Beauty for about about 4 years and have never had any problems out of her...however my Purple Tang ate two clams...he was dragging one across the tank when I wondered "What in the hell is that?". Alas it was my clam...