Dan's 210 Build


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Finally ready to serup the 210!  I will post some pics today and more as it moves along.  The sump room has been morphing to accomodate changing storage needs so it is not ready for photos just yet.  I will add pics of the sump room once it begins to take it's final form.

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Here is some of the core equipment and specs.

DT on main floor:
<li>210 Marineland DT, self drilled</li>
<li>2 x 16 inch Shadow overflows</li>
<li>3 x 1" Sea Swirls</li>
<li>4 x 2" pvc from/to basement (2 neck down to 1.5 at the floor)</li>
<li>3 x Radion XR 30 G4's</li>
<li>EB8 at DT</li>
Basement Sump Room:
<li>120 gallon customized sump</li>
<li>240 gallon auxiliary peninsula tank.  Currently holding coral, possible future predator tank</li>
<li>120 gallon holding tank</li>
<li>56 gallon holding tank</li>
<li>29 gallon copper hospital tank</li>
<li>Hammerhead pump, soon to order baracuuda impeller</li>
<li>New Apex</li>
<li>WXM, PM2, ALD, DOS, classic Apex as backup</li>
<li>Kessil H360 for chaeto</li>
<li>Radion XR30 G4 for frag tank</li>
<li>1 x 1" SCWD flow diverter for larger frag tank</li>
<li>30 gallon frag tank</li>
<li>Jebao powerheads for small frag tank</li>
<li>Sss5000 int skimmer</li>
<li>Classic 40 watt UV, plan to upgrade</li>
The 120 will now be a holding tank.  I picked up a 120 gallon high flow sump with the 240 and am using it instead of the 5 foot 120.  I customized the 120 sump as well, it will work great.
A bit more progress and I finally cleaned up the sump room enough for pics!

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Once we get the forum straightened out we’ll be able to move the thread.

The thread can simply be moved by editing the original post then select the new forum you want to move it to (in the drop down menu) above Submit.

Great job on the build Dan!
Using a small pump to fill the tank.  I plan to convert to the larger pump after it is full.
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that must be one small pump if it's still not full 13 days later!


just kidding, looks like fun stuff!  looking forward to more pics as it comes along!
I have picked out the following fish for my system, wrapping up the QT setup Saturday, and stocking the QT's Sunday. After losing over 40 fish a few months ago, I am hoping to receive some constructive critique for my stocking and QT plan. All fish are small juveniles and I will likely add a few more wrasses and a mandarins in the second medicated batches (C&D) below. My goal is to run all fishthrough a good QT period then add them all to the DT at the same time. The DT is a 210 mixed reef with a 120 g sump, 60 g Cheeto fuge, and 24o holding tank that may come off line for a while after the DT is setup. The system has been running since January with some tweaks and upgrades along the way.

1 Sailfin
1 Coral Beauty
4 Yellow Tangs
1 Kole Eye Tang
1 Blue Regal Tang
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Scribbled Rabbit
1 Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
1 Nakao Fairy Wrasse
1 Six Line Wrasse
6 Pajama Cardinals
5 Engineer Gobies (may drop to 3)
1 Melanarus Wrasse
2 Oscelaris Clowns
3 Purple Fire Fish

Also have a 12" Sailfin and a gorgeous 7 inch Parrotfish that I will be posting for trade or sale. I would love a small purple tang and another complementary fish or coral in exchange.
I also have a mature tiger Goby and mature Maroon Clown that will be waiting in a 60 gallon Cheeto fuge. I could be convinced to trade these, but am considering adding them to the DT.

Below is the QT setup:

System 1: 29g + 10g copper tanks on bio balls and air stone with small pump - 50% wc every 2 weeks
System 2: 28g + 10g sulfa tanks on bio balls and air stone with small pump -50% wc every 2 weeks
System 3: 120 g holding tank (filled to 120 g), skimmer, large pump, 4 g day DOS water change, drop in Cheeto fuge, and 40 watt UV - 100% WC and vinegar bath at week 4.

Fish will be split into 4 groups and will processed as follows:
Group A 8 fish: copper 2 weeks, sulfa 2 weeks, holding 4 weeks
Group B 8 fish: sulfa 2 weeks, copper 2 weeks, holding 4 weeks
Group C 7 fish: holding 4 weeks, copper 2 weeks, sulfa 2 weeks
Group D 7 fish: holding 4 weeks, sulfa 2 weeks, copper 2 weeks

I am planning a 50% WC every two weeks for a total of 620 gallons (I will need another 2 boxes box of IO). I have a 65 g and a 30 g frag tank that will be unused for this QT. I am planning to set the frag tank up for it's intended purpose next weekend and was not planning to use these two tanks for the QT process, but am wondering if I should set them up to reduce the number of fish in each group.

After losing over 40 fish a few months ago, I am trying to make this as safe as possible. The reason for adding all at once to the DT is due to the 7 tangs. I am open to and hoping for suggestions and recommendations.
Added more fish to the qt last Friday. I think I have plenty of fish now...maybe too many. I am aiming for a 2 month qt, maybe longer if I lose anyone else. So far all fish are eating and looking great with plenty of color...other than 3 I lost likely to a bully I found out. Not too bad I guess considering I have around 30 fish now in 4 QT systems.

Here is a pic of the tank today. 15398307323208687528760299627531.jpgI still need to aquascape, install 3 radeons, and paint the doors. Otherwise it has been running since the end of August attached to my main system.

I plumbed and lit the 240 watt UV in a couple weekends ago - that thing is a beast and should help greatly if I ever have an outbreak again. I can run high flow with no bypass at ich killing strength.

I moved the 12 inch sailfin and parrotfish to the DT while the others are in QT. I will relocate or sell these two before stocking the DT with fish. I will post pics in the for sale or trade forum after I install lights.

I actually spent a little time on the 240 coral holding tank this weekend and the coral is looking great.
I still need to setup the frag station to cut up some of my existing coral and move the rest of the rock upstairs to start aquascaping.

Plan is to cover the back wall at the right overflow then make a right handed helix starting downward to the left that runs lengthwise in the tank ending in a half height wall at the left side - making the best view from the front door/dining room end (right) and front.

I need to replace one union seal that drips when I crank the flow up. Otherwise it is dead silent when cranked up. I am so close I can just about see it now.....
Snails in the 240 holding tank have been quite active lately...there are at least a few of these around my tank.


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First run at rock work and still a bit cloudy. One light is at ecotech for repairs, so it looks a little off still. I will likely change the left pile to a column. Not too bad though.


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