dead mexican turbo in 60g?


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Hello, i started a thread this morning about my tank being cloudy. I just found a dead mexican turbo snail....the big kind. Could that be the reason the tank is cloudy? I'm not sure if something small like that could be the reason why i have about 65g of cloudy water.

I'm going to add a polly filter in an hour as soon as my LFS opens up. I also put new carbon in the TLF reactor.
doubt it, but something caused that to die. do you have a bacteria bloom? face a powerhead towards the surface just in case. I'l do a water change, too. open some windows & keep an eye on ph, too.

(it could have, however, if you have decreased your bacteria filtratration somehow)
That isn't it, I had one die last week in my 30 and tank stayed clear. The cuc enjoyed it though! This is the second one I had die recently and it was next to my GBTA.
If you are going to the LFS anyway, take a water sample and get a backup test of your water parameters.

Just to be on the safe side.
it's dead for sure, there are pieces of it's body floating around. I removed what i could. I've got a polly filter in the sump now and i'm wet skimming. When i look closley at the cloudyness there are waves of the cloudyness, like it's not solid there are waves of white cloudy...if any of that makes sence. I'm thinking it must be kalk solution, but my ph is 8.0.....hmmmm.

i'm lost. Things are still doing fine though, corals have decent PE...LPS is out and hungry.