Demon Pistol Shrimp from H@!!


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:ahh:We have a tiger pistol shrimp that has decided all the rock work is now his.:wow2: Yesterday while doind some minor arranging he popped my finger (not the first time he went after me.):mad2:

We got a new green birds nest and plum crazy acro yesterday and put them in locations but did not attach them permanently. (Both are ORA frags and have those nasty black long spike plugs so of course we filled holes in the live rock.

Mr. tiger decided he did not like the greens birds nest, pushed it out of the hole and into our sun coral last night. :doh:Sun Coral 1, greens birds nest 0. Sun coral dissolved 4 branches of the birds nest. But it will heal.

Then major rearranging today so I do not have to cut up our alveopora and that little bast&%#. Hunted me all over the rock work, wherever i was working he would follow his tunnels, get in behind my hand and let fire a shot. If you have never experienced this, it is not pleasant. My wife and son were laughing so hard at my cussing and the little beasts persistance at keeping me away from his tank, I thought they were going to fall over.

So long story short, I have been banned from our tank by a little friggin shrimp. Someone should tell him not to bite the hand that feeds him.:D

Hope you enjoyed the read, feel free to share.
Wonder what the bite from a snowflake eel is like? He's used to seeing my hands during feedings and if he's hungry while I'm in the tank, he sometimes comes out to look at my fingers. I'm always worried about getting bitten. Anyone had one? Someone told me they had flat teeth so it wouldn't hurt.
LOL....sorry but I think this story is hillarious!! I can see it now on "America's Funniest Home Videos"!! :lol2:
He was a deliberate addition with our high fin banded goby, they have yet to become soul mates, maybe the pistol's crankiness has something to do with it.:yes:

Glad you enjoyed the story, I figured it would get a laugh out of this crowd. It definitely turns tank maintenance into an olympic time trial.

Oh and just for the curious, the shrimp does not actually pinch you, just fires that shot at extremely close range. Kind of feels like a lady finger firecracker going off against your skin.
You want to sell him to me? Ill take him. I have a watchman goby dying for a mate.
I saw the title of the thread and found it amusing as you are usually so reserved on the forum posts.

I'd be tempted to remove that guy from the tank!
If I thought I had a remote chance of removing him from his little fiefdom, I would, and get a randalls pistol, much smaller, but it would involve completely tearing down the whole tank and flushing him out of the live rock. The rock in our tank looks like it was made by ants, tons of tunnels.

Besides, it is amusing watching him jump like the Dukes of Hazard Challenger across rock from tunnel to tunnel.
I'll bet. I have one but he is well behaved. BTW...were you at Creation yesterday afternoon?
:D:yes::yay::up:Yep, first visit there. It is our new favorite place. Awesome selection, great prices. We got the ORA green birdsnest, ORA plum crazy acro, a sand sifting star and formian (sp?)star.

All are doing wonderfully. And they carry my H2Ocean salt mix as well.

Thank goodness it is an hour away.
I was there when you purchased them!!! :yes: Glad to hear they are doing well. Creation is my fav LFS. It's about a 45 minute drive but well worth it. Quality is top notch and the people there are fantastic. Matt and Amanda are exceptional.
We know who rules the roost at plantman's house. :D I think that story is freaking hilarious!
My Tiger Pistol are lil hellions as well. Around 2 weeks ago I had a small colony of AoG zoas on my sandbed somewhat close to their burrow and the next morning they were totally burried, but lived. Then aroudn 2 days ago my acan fell off the rock and landed on the sand on the opposite side of the tank of their burrow, I thought nothing of it and left the acan on the sand only to find a nice "moat" formed around the opposite rocks and acan drug way underneath the rock as a door of some sort. Luckily the gf has small hands...
Wow, thats amazing, make sure they film it next time... I can only imagine how unstable the cam will be when they film it. lol

I have one and my acan frag was pulled down and buried. almost didn't find it in time but i did and its alive and well on the other side of the tank... he has grabbed a couple of zoas but positioned them to where they are breaking through the sand, looks amazing.
The little freak of nature is taunting me. I don't know what he is up to but I hear him snapping away in the tank. Probably engineering shrimp scuba to come get my toes tonight.

Good story for the kiddies me thinks.
haha, i doubt they'll listen long enough before they are rolling on floor laughing about you and the shrimp when you do stuff in the tank. lol
coolsurf;317027 wrote: I was there when you purchased them!!! :yes: Glad to hear they are doing well. Creation is my fav LFS. It's about a 45 minute drive but well worth it. Quality is top notch and the people there are fantastic. Matt and Amanda are exceptional.

My wife and I were there at about 7:00 pm also. Nice store without a doubt and Amanda is very knowledgeable (and isn't afraid to say so and consult a book when she isn't sure). Excellent employee IMO.