

Well-Known Member
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Being a very active member in some forums I’ll suggest that if it would be possible and at the same time educative doing it, given a brief description, while selling livestock, and mention what you’re running in your tank, specifically talking about Corals, it would be great to know how you maintain, keep your parameters at, lights, feeding types if any, dosing if any, pretty much just give an insight for people who have wanted to keep said coral, people who’s also looking for research and not going for the trend on what you can find in different sites online, some corals thrive the same in very lightly different conditions while others can vary etc, it would be entertaining to see how you have raised that colony in example, while using numerous amounts of approaches. More like giving the buyer ample chances to adapt that frag and the frag more chances to survive. It wouldn’t have to take much time if one member disclose that info and later in a future post would like to paste only.
Just a thought, aren’t we here to learn and for the experts to share experiences?
Honestly, I understand it would be frustrating for beginners, like me, just to see in a post how you want to get paid and that’s it.
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