Detaching a Green Hairy Mushroom


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I once had a beautiful, large Green Hairy Mushroom.
He split. Then I had two.

The second one just recently split and spawned two more.

Now, I have 4. All are attached to my live rock.
I'd really like to detach one or three of them without harming them.

The rock that they are attached to is pegged into place. So pulling the rock out, while not impossible, will be a major PITA.

Is there an easy way to convince the mushroom to detach it's self from the rock?

I'm thinking not. I'm guessing I'll have to pull the rock once they are "sleeping" and not in their fully expanded state and hope that I can break off a small section of the rock they are on.

Does anyone else have a suggestion that I can try?
I have allways had to chip the rock to get them off. I have heard with nems try aiming a powerhead strait at them to make them un happy and move. It might work with mushroom? you can cut them off but 99% of the time if you dont get it all it will regrow a new one
Depending on how accessible the rock, you can always try getting under them with a flat object and gently.... over a while... pry them loose. It took me 45 consecutive minutes to remove my rbta, but no damage incurred!
The only way I have found to control then on my live rock is to kill them with reef napalm. Sorry
Mikesmith34;996155 wrote: The only way I have found to control then on my live rock is to kill them with reef napalm. Sorry

Yeah, with most mushrooms, that's the way to go. Nuke'em.
But this one, IMO, is something special.

I dig watching it eat.
It's the one shown in as my profile pic.

I'd like to collect one for my son's tank and I've had others asking to buy one with it split again.

I might be able to snap off a part of the rock that the newest one is attached to. That might work.
Y-Not;996157 wrote: Yeah, with most mushrooms, that's the way to go. Nuke'em.
But this one, IMO, is something special.

I dig watching it eat.
It's the one shown in as my profile pic.

I'd like to collect one for my son's tank and I've had others asking to buy one with it split again.

I might be able to snap off a part of the rock that the newest one is attached to. That might work.

Yea that's not the kind I'm talking about. That's a nice shroom the one I'm talkin bout is the biginners old green hairy shroom
Depending on how hard the rock is I usually use a razor blade or bone cutter to chip/cut the base rock.