Diamond Goby and Pistol Shrimp


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Chamblee (near Mercer)
I am new to salt water, super excited. Ordered a diamond "watchman" goby and a pistol shrimp from liveaquaria for my 30g tank.
Now I realized that the diamond goby probably won't pair with the pistol shrimp and may even eat up all the critters in the live sand or whatever makes the sand live... The liveaquaria listing is kind of misleading, but I should have done more research before the purchase...
Any suggestions on what I should do? Maybe trade in the diamond goby at a LFS for a yellow watchman goby?
I cannot comment on the diamond goby, but I have a pistol shrimp and a yellow watchman goby in their own little nano tank. They get along great and they are fun to watch, so I can say that the yellow watchman goby does seem to be capable of bonding with a pistol shrimp. Be aware that the pistol shrimp may not like other critters and may try to eat them. As an example I dropped an emerald crab in their tank to eat some algae and it was all I could do to get the emerald crab away from the pistol shrimp.
Thanks Chemaholic! The goby actually just arrived, but it seems to have ich. Now I really don't know what to do with it... I don't want to keep him, but I still feel like I am morally responsible for its well-being. IDK, should I surrender it to a LFS?


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If you do not want it I would ask a LFS if they will take it. If not maybe someone in the club would take it and rehab it.

You are on the right track as far as understanding your responsibility for the fish's wellbeing in my opinion. I feel the same way about all of my various critters. At the end of the day if no one else wanted it I would do my best to make it well and try to rehome it again.