Diamond Goby Owners......


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Love em or hate em? Made an impulse buy yesterday. Saw the goby taking mouthfuls of sand and straining it out. Brought him home and now he is burying some of my frags under sand. :( Not on purpose but still a pain.
i know Bud had a problem with them jumping out of the tank too. Make sure you have the tank covered!
I've heard they're great cleaners. I wanted to get one a while back, but just got a scooter blenny as they're not quite as messy.
We have a pair of yellow-headed sleeper gobies. Same problem. We moved stuff off the sandbed and lower rocks rather than get rid of the fish... because I think they're way cool.

I have a bigger problem with a tiny pistol shrimp in my nano. Who'd have thought that guy could move so much sand!!!
We were having trouble with brown algae on our white sand in the 75g, so we bought a diamond goby. He keeps the tank very clean. I would not suggest putting one in a tank smaller than a 75, he stirs up a lot of sand (it looks like someone poured milk in the tank) and likes to pile snails around the opening to his burrow. He is very funny to watch-he acts like he is going to fight with our potters angel. The angel chases him, he turns around and acts like he is going to swallow the angel. No one gets hurt. We call him Diamond Jim!
Our pair of sleeper gobies have been confined to a hospital tank since 3/30 and still have 2 weeks to go. They miss their sand.

I only wish I was a Diamond Goby owner. The first one jumped through an egg crate top. I made a 1/4" mesh screen top and the second one, I thought jumped out while I had the top off doing some maintenance, but the third jumped out through the 1/4" mesh screen. As frustrating as that was, I got a fourth and found it stuck to the Vortech power head last Saturday. On top of that, yesterday I found my Filamented Flasher Wrasse laying on top of the mesh screen all dried out.

I've got several fish in QT right now and once they come out, I will try once more, but this time will try to get a bigger one.
I love mine... he (Not really sure of the sex but it's a he to me) does a great job of keeping the sand clean and he has a great pwersonality... It's really funny to watch my clowns clean out there little "nest" only to have the Diamond come along and mess it up.... They bicker a little but it's a hoot to watch... He also likes to keep his area clear of anything... i.e. hermits and snails... If they wonder onto his turf he will, in no uncertain terms, pick them up and move them away... I would say He is almost as fun to watch as my lawnmower...
Awesome fish. Loves pellets. Younger ones cover the entire sandbed and keep it clean. The older larger ones will tend to one spot and guard/clean it
I love my diamond goby!! I was having some algae problems on my sand bed and he cleaned it right up. He does pile sand a lot and I can't really keep anything on the sand bed because of it. I have a pretty deep sand bed but he moved it around so it's shallow on one end and very deep on another end of the tank. I'll try to flatten it out when I do a water change and he piles it right back up! He's a lot of fun to watch though. He has a couple of caves and tunnels under the sand bed. He will go in one hole and come out the other! Definitely a great and fun fish if you can stand the sand movement!
Oh yeah, also he has never jumped (knock on wood)!! He actually very rarely is even higher than half way up the tank an sleeps in his cave that he closes in at night.