Diatoms pain in the butt!


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So my tank will be 6 months old tommorow and I am wondering when the diatoms go away. I am not quite sure that they are diatoms because everyone that I have talked to gets them on their rocks too. I only have it on the sand. I also have bubbles under the sand. What can I do about this and when will it go away?

Battling the stuff myself. Personally I am going the sand sifter route rather than fighting it. I am just hoping enough critters keep the bottom stirred up to keep it looking clean.
My recommendation for a sand-sifter is a sand star- very cool to watch!
Bubbles under the sand or explicitely under Diatoms is normal if you have a large outbreak of diatomosa. This is just the sand de-gassing nitrogen and unspent CO2. Having Diatoms for over 6 moths is more of a worry. Have you tested all you parameters. Pls have your water tested by an independant resource. You should have 0:0:<5 for a reef tank. My guess is you are still cycling. Could that be possible. Or are you getting more sun now since the weather has picked up and it has given you an algae bloom.
I agree with Simon. You should have your water tested. I would take a close look at Silica test numbers. Silicon is the main nutrient found in our systems that diatoms thrive on. What type of sand did you use on this tank? One thing you can do to cut back on diatom is to cut the photo period back. This would produce a less favorable environment for the bloom.
I also have a tongan fighting conch. He's not too big and has a wierd long mouth that resembles an elephant's trunk.
Showtime305 wrote: I would take a close look at Silica test numbers. Silicon is the main nutrient found in our systems that diatoms thrive on.

I would also have your RO water tested for silicates. Some RO membranes aren't adept at removing silicates.
Well I have a Dragon Goby but he can't keep up with it. My Maroon clowns keep one end of the tank clear but not the other. I also forgot to mention that I had the tank for about 4 -5 months before I started getting diatoms?
Just be patient... The silicates that help fuel the diatoms will eventually be taken up and stored in the many sponges that will live grow in your tank. It just takes time for sponges to grow and absorb the silicates in your system, leaving little to no silicates for the diatoms. At that point, your diatom problem will have cured itself. In truth, diatoms just look bad, but its not like you're dealing with bryopsis or dinos here, be patient and I'm sure it'll clear itself up over time.

If you're the impatient kind of guy, which I'm getting the feeling you are... You can hasten the diatom exodus by using a small tube to siphon up your top layer of sand when its covered with diatoms. Then just wash it thoroughly and return the sand to the tank... that's the cheap and easy way to export silicates from your system.

As for a cause for your bloom at this stage. Perhaps you added more sponge loaded LR at some stage or your top off water has more silicates than it should... Or perhaps you finally got some decent lights. Honestly, who cares? So long as your incoming water isn't loaded with silicates your system will clear up in a few months.

I think...

Good luck.