Did anyone else see this on RC?

james s_

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Nearly 300 Clarion Angel's at one LFS in Cali. Thats nearly 3/4" million worth.

Thanks, Mark!

I was at a nearby LFS today. They received around 300 Clarion angels to hold for someone. It was quite a display! They were listed for $2500 each. Here are a few pics from my blackberry.

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Holy $*** that is alot of fish and money. All for one person? That kinda makes me mad, i mean they are beautiful fish but to take that many from the ocean must do some damage right
Jeremy and I were just talking about this store earlier today. There are @ 188 Clarion's there. 30 of which will stay in the US.
That's actually a bit sad for some reason. Unless they're tank raised?
Skriz;250463 wrote: Jeremy and I were just talking about this store earlier today. There are @ 188 Clarion's there. 30 of which will stay in the US.

I saw 288 posted in several threads. But who knows. That is an Impressive Site nonetheless. I would be sweating bullets if that was my Store.
I spoke to the collector/guy who placed them there. He told me 188. The store is just holding them until they are distirbuted. The vast majority going to Asia where they go for $4000+ USD each.

There is a specific permit required to collect them, which only this one guy has. They are SUPER abundant in their native habitat, but since collection is pronibitive without the eprmit, they are rarely seen. I doubt they will be collected for another 10 years after this batch, if ever again.

On a similar note, Clipperton angels may make the market soon. They will be the new angel du jour (which I WONT be buying). They are only found at Clip[perton Island (in the middle of noweher). Dr Bruce Carlson is rather well known for having one of the first in captivity that he took care of perosnally at the Waikiki aquarium.
They sure are beautiful....too bad I don't have the extra cash to waste.
It'd be my luck the store would get robbed of its clarions that night!
I can see someone going in there and saying "this store sux, they only have 1 type of fish!" haha