Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper?


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Does anybody have experience with any of the reef keeper controllers from digital aquatics? I have been thinking about getting one but am not sure which one to get, and also how well they function. They are pretty pricey.
I considered the risk/reward and went with the full blown apex unit. It sure did hurt but if even saves me 1 mishap/crash then it paid for its self 5 times over at least. I get both a text message and an email anytime my tanks parameters get out of whack. It also takes steps to temporarily resolve problems (ex turning off lights if chiller blows and tank gets to hot, high water, low water, leaking water).
I haven't set up the remote access feature on it yet but would like to at some point.

If it's going to be a fowler tank or maybe softie+fish do whatever, but if your going full blown reef you should really consider what that crash will cost you. Everything fails eventually, whether it's tomorrow or 5+ years from now. Just wanted to give myself the best shot at not losing everything when that happens.
Im running ReefKeeper Lites on two systems(both with 2 PC4's, SL1, ph and temp. probes). LOVE THEM. Never had a problem with either.
I had a RK Lite and only wanted it for controlling lighting (which they claim it will do). After 2 weeks of trying to get it programmed...I gave up and sold it. I hear the Apex controllers are much more program friendly.
I hope to have a Reef Keeper Elite before long. I am thrilled with the prospect of getting especially since it will be as payment for some work I will be doing. But, if I were going to she'll out cash I would go Apex. IMO they are more bang for your buck.
I run two Reefkeeper Elites on my two reef systems. They work fine, but I have serious doubts as to the future of Digital Aquatics. Their CS is not good, and they have failed to deliver on at least two promised defective product revisions (salinity probe and an SL2 module that really works) they have promised would be out for a couple years now. If I had known then whaat I know now IU'd have gone Apex, even though I cannot complain about how my systems are working. If you want internet capability, definnietely go Apex, s many RKNet users have had losts of problems.

I don't use the Net feature, and I had so much money in DA peripherals I went with another RKE controller when I set up my new system.

If I was starting from new, I would go Neptune.
What good are you Dave????? Man, I was planning on hitting you up when I try setting up my net modual once I get my system. You just shot that idea in the foot in a hurry. LOL

But I might still hit you up for advice when the time comes. :)
Thanks for the help everyone! :yay: It's nice having such knowledgeable people in this club. I think I will look more into the Apex line of controllers!