Dino/Cyano treatment


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What worked best for you guys? These are all the options I might go for.

- Vibrant

- Chemiclean

- Dosing hydrogen peroxide

- Adding phytoplankton

- 3-day blackout (just started)

- Removing sandbed alltogether (leaning towards this)


For Cyno, I use Chemiclean and blackout for 2 or 3 days.  Works everytme and I have never heard of or had an issue as long as you follow the instructions.  Always underdose in case you make a miscalculation.  Just my 2 center.
Chemiclean and I removed all my sand beds a few years ago and never looked back.
I did a black out on my 5g a couple of weeks ago for dino. It wiped it out but it's coming back now. I've got to try it again.
Do you know if and what type of dinoflagellate outbreak you are experiencing? If not I suggest getting a sample under a microscope. Knowledge is power.
cyano = chemiclean. works great. follow directions

dinos... meh. thats a different story. To get rid of mine I had to do all sorts of stuff. change sand bed completely, blackout, even peroxide treatment... its a hard fight , and the hardest pest I've had to get rid of yet.

I am thinking about a complete reboot on my 5g. Dinos are back and just as bad as before the black out.
I have been dealing with Cyano of some sort for over a year. The second I slip on something it comes back. During my recent remodeling project I was feeding a lot less and still had a bunch on the racks in the frag tank and the canvas sheet in my ATS was completely covered along with the center chamber of my sump. During a 5 week stretch I didn't do a water change and that may have contributed to it.

On 4/10 I started the http://www.drtimsaquatics.com/treat-aquarium-algae/treating-cyanobacteria">Dr Tim's Cyano</a> treatment right after a water change and I have one more dose of Waste Away to do tonight. Also on 4/10 I started a 3 day blackout of the ATS and sump. I also did a water change on 4/18 before a WA dose. During that time I have been feeding roughly the same as I was during that 5 weeks and virtually all of the Cyrano is gone. My two Blue Throat Triggers are starting to look skinny so I'm going to try and target feed them a little more. All of the other fish and coral look great. I haven't tested anything since sometime in February, so I have no idea where my parameters are. I've just been going with my gut and letting the coral tell me if something is wrong, which hasn't happened. Regarding feeding, another thing I've done is cut out all supplements the last 3 weeks. I usually add Selcon or Vitachem to the frozed I feed, I also used to add coral Amino's to the system and now I'm only adding it to the coral QT tank. As a final knock out I'm planning on treating with Chemiclean tomorrow and doing a big water change on Monday.

I have struggled with feeding and dosing organics, finding the right balance is proving to be quite difficult for me. The steps above will get rid of it but keeping it gone is going to be the hard part and something I can't give you advice on as no two systems are the same. I have roughly 320 gallons total system volume so things usually happen pretty slowly. The only thing I can offer is to keep a keen eye on your system after it's gone and as soon as you see it coming back anywhere you know you're doing something wrong with your nutrients. Feeding to much, not enough export, water flow insufficient in that spot... something with your husbandry is off. Everything I've read, and been told, is Cyano is easy to get rid of and it's you that's causing it to come back.

Another crazy thing I've noticed with my system is that whenever I run carbon I'll get a Cyano bloom not long after. I use BRS ROX 0.8 and rinse it good before bringing the reactor online. It has to be something with the carbon getting in the water column that triggers it but I thought organic carbon would be the cause not activated filter media. But like I said, no two systems are the same.

I can't help with the Dino's, fortunately I haven't had them. After getting Bryopsis and a couple other pests I now QT everything that goes in the system. I was for the most part before but not long enough. Now it's everything and 6 to 8 weeks minimum. Good luck with your battle. Hopefully some of this will help you.