In the past couple of months. I had an out break of dinos which took over my tank. Despite every thing I tied. I tried vibrant. No results. I tried dinox, no results, h202, again no results, did the initial 3 day black out, hum. Nothing. I got so desperate I tried one last thing, I new that I was going to need to break my system down and just start over. But I tried something. Very risky. And I pondered over it for a couple of days, and then went for it, I did how ever lose about 500 dollars in corals that I just loved, and it was heartbreaking, but this is what I did... I blacked my tank out again, and I used all three treatments together not very smart I no. But I was at my waits end. But I was lucky. I lost no fish, crabs or snails. Most of my coral are doing fine after all of the treatment, but I lose some corals..never have I unstood how I got this crap in the first place. And hope I never deal with again. But I did get some good info from u guys and I thank u for that..have a great day, now on my way to reef shack to replace my lost corals