Dip Medicine


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I am at that point where I am thinking about adding more "stuff" to my aquarium and thought I would do the responsible thing and dip. I wanted to use Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure since that seems to be the hot new, works great coral dipping medicine. I thought I would use freshwater with Methylene Blue for fish. So I go online to find a place that carries both since I don't want to doulbe up on shipping and I can't find a place that carries both or at least carries both and is in stock.

To my question, any good online places you guys or gals know about that carries both dipping medications and is in stock?
How about in exchange for future help with my lighting, I give you some Methylene Blue in the mean time... Then, I am fixing to order salt from Dr. Fosters and I will get you some Methylene Blue there so you can have your very own bottle and not pay shipping! Believe me you can not find Methylene blue locally unless you get a perscription or buy it by the solid pound. I searched for about a month. You can piggy back me a bottle of Tropic Marin so I do not have to pay shipping there and we are both happy!
If you guys do order the Tropic Marin stuff, I'll go in for a small bottle and split shipping costs with you.