Dirty Hands


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Stone Mountain
What do you guys think about contaminating your tanks? How easy is it to do? Is it something to be concerned with or is it not that big a deal?

This topic is something I've always been aware of. I do wash my hands before and after getting in my tanks. There are plenty of scented or moisturizing soaps around my house and the only real step I take to avoid any sort of contamination is to avoid those when I wash my hands before getting in the tank. I use regular old Dawn and make sure to rinse them well. My thought is that whatever is in scented or moisturizing soaps probably stick around even after a good rinse so it can do whatever it claims to do. I also avoid reaching in to my tanks directly after a shower or adding gel to my hair for the same reason - better safe than sorry. I always thought this was my own little concern (OCD?) until I was talking to a fellow member and he said "I can't put my hand in the tank right now, I've got lotion on my hands." So, I'm obviously not the only one who thinks along these lines. Is it something you all keep in mind? Anyone had a system contaminated by something you introduced by accident?
I smoke so I definitely wash my hands before reaching in or touching equipment. I use the yellow Dial soap.
I have always been skeptical of any soaps on my hands before I put them in the tank, Even for my freshwater tanks. Sometimes if I have just washed my hands I will spray my hands down with a diluted vinegar solution(spray bottle I use to clean the outside of the glass) and rinse them with tap water. I've always thought an aquarium safe hand soap would be a good product.
I'm quite careless. :confused:

However, there are most likely fewer dangerous products in our home than most - scented soaps or lotions? nope - hair products? Have you seen me? Cleaning products? most are as close to unscented & "natural" as we can reliably find.

We stay clear of your typical smell good home & laundry cleaning products etc. We clean, wash clothes & dishes, wash our hands after going to the bathroom (that ones a pet peeve!) and shower just like everyone else - we just don't do most of those things with smelly stuff - even good smelly.
My wife likes to put on an essential oil diffuser to make the house smell nice. I make sure she isn't using clove oil but I'm always worried about any of the oils getting into the tanks. I told her if she's going to put something in there tea tree oil is best, smells great and melafix is just diluted tea tree oil lol
I only wash my hands if I have lotion on them. If anything dirty is there I will have washed them anyway. I also wash deodorant off my pits if I need to reach WAY in there.

Other wise I just reach in.
My wife likes to put on an essential oil diffuser to make the house smell nice. I make sure she isn't using clove oil but I'm always worried about any of the oils getting into the tanks. I told her if she's going to put something in there tea tree oil is best, smells great and melafix is just diluted tea tree oil lol
Most of the changes we've made have not been solely due to the tanks being in the house.

Tish has stopped using those diffusers and although she really likes candles - we don't burn any in the house.

No idea if it is an issue or not - but I figure if we can smell something it's most likely making it's way in to the water.
I generally wash my hands before reaching in the tank and I usually rinse them off afterwards just to get the salt off. I also have shoulder length gloves I use often when I know I'm going to be in there for a while. I use tongs, long forceps and large tweezers when ever possible too.

As these have been brought up too. My wife loves candles and sent misters. I've always hated the candles, soot stains on outlets and HVAC registers... Since the aquariums have always been in the basement I have a no go zone for that stuff. Pledge and any other spray cleaners are also off limits in the basement.
I’m not concerned too much because I try to take basic precautions. I simply rinse my hands with water only and dry them with a towel or paper towel. And I’d say my hands go in the tank fairly often. And I try to avoid fragrant chemicals and lotions altogether on my hands and arms.

My biggest relative concern is surfactants, which act pretty quickly on a body of water. This means soaps, especially dish soaps, are of particular care to be cleaned off entirely.
I'm a mechanic, I have always got dirty hands, I've not ever noticed any ill effects from sticking my hands in the tank. Similar to @lmm1967, I'm careless, I have glade plug-ins, use aeresol spray in my downstairs restroom that is about 4' from the tank. That being said, I don't intentionally stick my nasty hands in the water, for the most part I try to keep them clean (sanitary), but I'm a firm believer in getting my fair share of germs too so my hands aren't sterile by any means.
I'm a dork - I'd knock a hole right in the side of the tank (or who knows what else) with one of those. LOL
I know what you mean, I can't count the number of times I have knocked a coral loose with my grabber.
I keep fish gloves beside the system. Always try to use the gloves when in the tank or sump. Otherwise, I use dishwashing soap and wash and dry my hands really well.
Quick wash and rinse with dial or dawn soap before reaching into the tank and again after ward. Partly to get the salt off and also because I have had reactions from coral slime before.