Disappearing Kole Tang


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How in blue blazes does a 3.5" tang disappear in a 90 gallon? I bought him to eat macroalgae in my tank and some hair algae. He did neither but he was a pretty fish. He loved mysis shrimp.

Are they jumpers? I have two cats that jump at the tank. At first the tang would run to the back of the tank but started staying in front as he realized the cat couldn't get to him.
look under the rocks. when mine gets full he lays flat and hides under a rock and will stay there for days (prolly comes out at night) and all you will see is this tail that won't move. he might be fine
I have had two koles. First one looked good but never really ate and eventually died.. It could have been caused by new tank as it was young and lacked the algae he liked. The rocks were also fairly new. After the tank had been set up for about 3-4 months, I added another one. He ate from the beginning and is beautiful. He is constantly swimming, looking around and is a great addition. He was a great addition to go with the flame angel and yellow tang. They kind of pal around together. No issues at all. Or, it could of been the luck of the draw.
Love my Kole.

Yeh...I know what you mean. It's kinda like my sister having a male and female mandarin and both eat prepared foods. Mine wouldn't.

So maybe it got trapped in the rocks? I didn't know about their being delicate tangs. Good to know. Could it be in the flow box. I think not but may look over the weekend.