Disease Diagnosis


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Any expert thoughts on what is on my Yellow Tang? It doesn’t look like Ich I’ve seen on other fish... but could be? Or something else?

White spots near his eye and along a vein line; small brown marks near his eyes as well.

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Great. Now to treat...

-Removed my Chemiblue carbon from the filter.
- Water parameters are all normal.
- Looking into vitamin supplement(s).

Any other suggestions or ideas?

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Sounds like a good plan. I haven't really studied it in a long time (I don't really like tangs) but a varied diet is supposed to be important. That along with vitamins and the like. When I had a tang with it I was able to stop it by feeding a few different kinds of algae (nori) sheets and picking up a few different varieties of prepared food pellets. I went all out on the variety and would feed something different nearly every day. The HLLE that I dealt with never really healed but it did stop getting worse and the fish lived for a long time.
I already rotate Nori sheets and seaweed extreme pellets, with mysis added a few days a week. I swapped carbon in my filter a few weeks ago to Chemiblue and have a suspicion that it was the culprit.
FYI - HLLE is not specific to tangs, although much more prominent in several tang species.

Suspected diet and potentially carbon dust can be the cause, or at least part of the problem.

Varied diet, super diligent rinsing of carbon if you use it and food soaked in vitamins (Selcon is popular, easy and seems safe).